Review on A Test of Faith | Teen Ink

Review on A Test of Faith

November 15, 2013
By Chelsea Killion BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
Chelsea Killion BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the November 2013 issue of Teen Ink, Carly S.'s article frustrated me.

I don't know much about the Catholic Religion, because I am a Christian and things are a little different. I personally do not think getting told by nuns your going to hell is right. Since people have different ways of religion, I can't say that nuns are supposed to say that. I very much disagree with that though. Every single person that is alive sin's every day. No one is perfect, and everyone is going to sin. Just because someone asked a simple question does not mean they are going to hell. They just need direction to God No religion should be forced on someone, they need to form a relationship with god. I also do not know much about nuns, but they sound scary. I think they need to approach things better. As for the girl, I would I would say to listen to your hear. God has a plan for everyone. He can get you through the hard times your having. Also read the Bible, because it has answered all questions I have had. I seen this in my church, and now those people got prayed for and have a very close relationship with god. Church doesn't have to be sitting there getting told what to do. You can have fun, and not sin. Dancing around to Christian music and playing games that show you more about god helps too.

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