She's only five | Teen Ink

She's only five

November 6, 2013
By mathew grujalva BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
mathew grujalva BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Alicia Gonzales article, “She’s only five” affected me in a sad way. This article talked about a little girl named Natalia who is a homeless girl in Phoenix, and all she wants is to be normal. Some people believe that life is hard because of the pressure put by the social world, for example: people care too much about what they are wearing, if it has “swag” or if they hang out with the
“cool” kids or if they chill with the right group and to be honest i care about that in a way too. It’s sad to say that not all kids have the opportunity to feel that way. In my humble opinion i believe that even=though Natalia doesn't have a "house with a dog, an apple tree and with a tire swing" like she wants, she is still beautiful and normal in every way.

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