The Oath | Teen Ink

The Oath

March 8, 2013
By Sadaf Aayar BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Sadaf Aayar BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

James it seemed as if every word you wrote was straight out of one of my experiances in the,"The Oath." Coming here on a plane aswell helps realate to the surprize you faced in this foreighn land. America is everything I know, coming here at such a young age I never truely understood a prviledge some one who was just born here had over me. For me I was just as a native than my American peers. Going in with my mom at her citizenship ceremony had me at an aw, because the sight truely represented the mixing pot this country is known for. As they said their oath I giggled a bit because it was so odd to hear a unison of words with varies accents. Now as a young teen I understand how rich and beautiful of a priviledge it wasto see such unity from people who came from different lands that have united now under such a excepting and beautiful country and nation as one, in a patriotic ceremony.

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