Feedback for "Never Ever Seen" | Teen Ink

Feedback for "Never Ever Seen"

November 29, 2012
By Anonymous

“Never Ever Seen” is an emotional and touching anecdote by Philippa B about how she experienced the death of her older sister, which she had a vague memory of. Although the author didn’t really know much about her 7-year-old sister, Katie, a feeling of melancholy spreads within her. After hearing stories and seeing pictures, she loved her. In my opinion, I believe that the narrator did a great job moving the readers with this heart felt experience.

“As for love, it is defined as fondness or affection for something” is a quote from the narrator. This made me realize that Philippa losing her sister meant that she is missing the fondness she is getting from that person. It must be painful for her to lose someone that is dear to her that she has never meant.

My grandfather experienced the same thing except that he lost three brothers. Although he never meant them, he found it painful anyways since it is usually painful to see a relative pass away without one knowing it. Philippa touched me from the bottom of my heart. I would like to thank the author for sharing her memories with us, the readers.

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