A T-Shirt Travesty | Teen Ink

A T-Shirt Travesty

November 21, 2012
By Gingertoorock Sabo BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Gingertoorock Sabo BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I completely agree with Danielle M in her article " A T-Shirt Travesty" she explains how modern t-shirts are demeaning females. I agree with Danielle ,the t-shirts are demeaning the girls in today's society. The shirts at J.C. Penny are saying things like skool sucks. Danielle said "when girls wear shirts likes this they are showing off and taking pride in their ignorance." What she said is completely true,the girls are showing pride in their ignorance. This is why the modern day shirts need to be changed so women can get the respect and dignity they have fought so hard and long to get. This might not have come to attention if Danielle didn't step up and do something about it.

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