Cause and Effect | Teen Ink

Cause and Effect

October 31, 2012
By talija32 BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
talija32 BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was really touched by Katherine D’s piece about a young girl having to experience bullying. Fortunately, I can’t relate to this girl in any way, but I dont overlook what she’s going through. The majority of children have either been a target or have put another person down without even realizing what they have done. Sometimes a teacher may bring attention to a bullying situation but really greater good will be done if you stand up and do something. Students look at their peers for approval everyday; they feel as if they’re getting judged. So if you’re the one to stand up for this kid, imagine what they’re feeling inside. A line that I really thought was inspiring was “It is difficult for those who haven’t experienced bullying to understand how much bullying can dominate the lives of their victims.” The reason I thought that line was inspiring was because she wasn’t blaming anybody she was just asking for people to recognize what bullying can do to a person. Being the better person may be hard. It would be easier to just look the other way, but don’t look for the easy way out; take the harder route, and you’ll get farther.

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