Silent Wound | Teen Ink

Silent Wound

October 31, 2012
By DylanAraujo BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
DylanAraujo BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In this story the “Silent Wound” by Alex W there is a boy that is at school and he is constantly bullying a boy who hasn't done anything him. The boy who is bullying the kid was trying to remember the last thing he said to the boy that died “ Was it a comeback and insult”? Imagine being responsible for the death of one of your classmates and you are only 11 years old!!! Every word they said made the boy feel like he was a nobody and shouldn’t even be in this world we call earth.... So the boy who was getting bullied and decided he didn't want to be in this world anymore. There was not just one kid bullying the poor kid, there were TEACHERS.

Bullying is probably the number one problem of kids today. I think that bullying and hazing should be a felony because it is one of the worst things that go on. I want to be on a committee when I’m older to stop bullying and hazing.

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