Long - Distance Man | Teen Ink

Long - Distance Man

October 31, 2012
By Anonymous

The “Long Distance Man” by Samuel P has caught my attention. In this piece the author talks about how he likes running long distance, and he’s addicted to it, addicted to the pain. He talks about how he feels calm and at peace when running. He also talks about how running is a real sport and that it’s not a game. The piece also talked about how the author and other runners push or ignore the pain until they finally come to the finish gate.

I agree with what Samuel is talking about in his piece. Some people think that running isn’t a real sport. They are wrong. I like running too. I know what the pain feels like when you have been running and keeping the pace for a while, and how good it feels when you finally stop. You’re right, running isn’t a game. You can’t “play” running like other sports. I really enjoyed reading this piece and I agree with the author about what he had to say. It was interesting to see what some people feel when running.

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