Summer Bummer Feedback | Teen Ink

Summer Bummer Feedback

September 13, 2012
By Jamarcus BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
Jamarcus BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In her article, “Summer Bummer,” Ashley Green described how as a teenager she had to get a job in the summer and she had to give up the good stuff like sleeping in. Like Ashley Green, I think teenagers do need to grow up and get jobs.
This article was written in a way where the teenager’s parents made her get a job. I agree and disagree about getting a job in high school because sometimes you have sports and just can’t simply afford to miss practice for work. Like my brother he works at Monicals but when wrestling comes around he won’t be working at all. I agree with her about how she thinks she’s lucky about getting the job that she thinks is fun. This is lucky if you found a job that you are interested in and that you like. I disagree how she talks about how she won’t have any other time for swimming and biking with friends. Most likely you will have time to do that. Many jobs as a teenager are not like jobs that adults have where you barely have any time. All in all I was very interested in Ashley Green’s story about growing up and getting a job in summer.

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