The Barbecue Stand | Teen Ink

The Barbecue Stand

September 13, 2012
By John Johns III BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
John Johns III BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“The Barbecue Stand” by Emily Schulte depicts what a truly great worker is. Greeting people with a smile, being pleasant, being kind, and giving the customers proper respect. This article really clicks with me because I have a job, and I’ve had to work cash registers. In all of that, I’ve learned one of the main things in this article, people treat you the way you treat them, plain and simple. No way around it, because if you’re happy and respectful, so are they.

Being comfortable in your job is everything. You don’t have to love it, but if you’re able to cope with the craziness, like the author is, that’s all that matters. Then once you get into a groove, everything starts clicking, and if everything starts clicking, you’ll enjoy whatever occupation you do.

In conclusion, I have nothing but praise for this article. If you truly want to succeed in your job, read “The Barbecue Stand”.

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