Plastic Melts Away | Teen Ink

Plastic Melts Away

March 5, 2012
By Diane Ling SILVER, New York, New York
Diane Ling SILVER, New York, New York
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In Cheryl Gray's article, Plastic Perfection, she goes on to explain how children get attached to barbie dolls and these dolls become their idol, their role models.Young girls try to live up to these expectations. Little did they know that these expectations were unreal and out of range. I couldn't agree more that these young girls are influenced by mere plastic dolls. A toy worth ten dollars can give them a wrong message. These messages will stay throughout their childhood and could possibly have permanent effects on their lives. However, people grow out of barbie dolls. There isn't one teenager who wants to be caught dead with a barbie doll in her hand. Barbie dolls will soon be outgrown and they will find different things to idolize, whether its worse or better than plastic dolls. Everyone has their points of maturity where they outgrow something.

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