Refrigerator | Teen Ink

Refrigerator MAG

October 8, 2011
By bookwormishgirl PLATINUM, Merion, Pennsylvania
bookwormishgirl PLATINUM, Merion, Pennsylvania
24 articles 16 photos 53 comments

Every month, I eagerly await the arrival of Teen Ink. I read every issue from cover to cover – even the ads. I study the art and jot down phrases that pop out at me from the articles. I love the thrill that comes from reading original pieces by teenagers around the country and the world. Occasionally I find one I disagree with, or don't enjoy, or think could have been edited more, but never have I found one that downright upset me. That is, until I read “Refrigerator” by Brandon Yip. Although the haiku was clever, it was not original. Not only have I seen it, uncredited, all over the web, but I've also encountered it in English class and on a friend's T-shirt!

Changing the first line of a well-known poem isn't artistic license – it's plagiarism. I am very disappointed that Teen Ink allowed the piece onto its website and into its magazine. I can only hope that it was a one-time mistake that won't happen again.


The poem, “Refrigerator,” in the October issue was not written by Brandon Yip. Teen Ink takes plagiarism very seriously, and though we check all published articles and poems, occasionally stolen pieces slip through. Those who are caught plagiarizing will have their work deleted from, and we may call your teacher and parent. We appreciate careful readers like Ann who report plagiarism when they see it.

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This article has 3 comments.

on Feb. 23 2013 at 3:04 am
SaphiraBrightscales DIAMOND, Islamabad, Other
75 articles 16 photos 1136 comments

Favorite Quote:
I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
- Maya Angelou
When i was little/I used to point a chubby finger toward the dark sky/And ask my father/why some stars moved and others didn’t/He would laugh and explain that some were airplanes/I still wish on them today ~ Laugh-It-Out
The feathers of a crow are black/The ink of my pen is blacker/The pain of my heart is blackest~ Mckay
If love produced a blossom/I’d take it in my palm/What a blessing, the bright color!/How soothing, such a balm!/I’d keep a petal for my own/The rest, drop from my hands/For such a flower would multiply/And populate the lands~ thesilentraven
And I began to rival legends/Long entombed before my birth./But for all my much envied fame/The lust for more would not abate./The plaques and prizes with my name/Will, like all things, disintegrate. ~ TheEpic95 now known as Helena_Noel

Wow, you're thorough!!

EFFibb said...
on Nov. 23 2011 at 3:22 pm
EFFibb, Merion Station, Pennsylvania
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
Hey anne....its EFFi...

on Oct. 31 2011 at 5:25 pm
bookwormishgirl PLATINUM, Merion, Pennsylvania
24 articles 16 photos 53 comments
Correction: My name is spelled Anne, not Ann. Thanks!