True Colors | Teen Ink

True Colors

May 14, 2009
By Ramzee SILVER, Dell Rapids, South Dakota
Ramzee SILVER, Dell Rapids, South Dakota
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'm probably in the sky, flying with the fishes,
Or maybe in the ocean, swimming with the pigeons,
See my world is different.
-Lil Wayne

Black, white, spanish, you name it. Our world is made up of many different races. I like this story because it made a really great point. Just because someone is white and wears baggy clothes doesn’t mean they’re trying to be black or gangster. I like rap and country music and wear Hollister. So does that mean I’m a preppy redneck gangster? No. it’s just who I am. Even though there are some people who try and act like they’re from a different race doesn’t mean anything. You are who you are and your color will never change. That’s just how it was meant to be.

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