The Anxiety I Carry Feedback | Teen Ink

The Anxiety I Carry Feedback

May 22, 2019
By Susy_Chavez SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
Susy_Chavez SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
5 articles 5 photos 0 comments

I wholeheartedly agree with "Amy" in her article "The Anxiety I Carry" when she explains the constant struggles of social anxiety. "Amy" explains the many endeavors which students must go through every day simply because they have this notion of perfection for themselves and "exist in a perpetual state of dread" when they fall short. Schools these days put so much stress on students that it is very easy to confuse social anxiety with stress, so not everybody takes it seriously. While many people overgeneralize stress with social anxiety, they are simply not the same thing. Anxiety is a real thing, not just something that someone makes up in their head. Mental illness has a real impact on the basic functionality of a human being, so why is it often overlooked? Thank you, "Amy" for having the bravery to confront society's ignorance on the subject of mental illness.

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