Feedback on “The Travelers” | Teen Ink

Feedback on “The Travelers”

March 26, 2019
By Maggie_Sansone SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
Maggie_Sansone SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“The Travelers” written by Andrew Harper, beautifully describes the way that nature can leave us awestruck by its power and grace. This phenomenal story outlines the vacation that Andrew and his family took to Hawaii. Readers are immediately set in the scene, as we learn about the arduous traveling day the family endured. However, the next morning, despite the jet lag, Andrew is filled with intense excitement for what the day will hold - snorkeling. The rest of the story follows the author’s day as he swims through coves full of coral and fish, all of which bring to mind vivid images for those reading his account. Andrew is truly astounded when he catches a glimpse of a Honu turtle later in the day. Rendered speechless, any jet lag that Andrew once had is gone, as he observes the beauty of the turtle and its habitat.

As a person who loves to travel as well, this piece really struck a chord. That magical feeling of being alone with nature, is excellently portrayed through Andrew’s piece and I was able to remember sights I have seen that gave me a similar thrill. On a recent trip to Italy, I was able to hike up Mount Etna, and the view as I climbed higher was breathtaking. Andrew describes his experience, “I could hear nothing but the music of the creature. Its beauty moved me from my consciousness, transporting me to a dimension of calm...” This quote and my personal experience show the power of nature and what a lasting effect it can have on us as humans. At the end of the piece, Andrew mentions that his encounter with the turtle “invorgated” him and I agree. No better way to shake off the jet lag of a long trip!

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