Memories of the Island | Teen Ink

Memories of the Island

March 26, 2019
By celinavillalba BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
celinavillalba BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I found Ryann B.'s article "Memories of the Island" extremely moving as a teenage girl currently in high school. This article pretty much sums up what growing is like when we have no worries and when we don't care about what other's might think of us because we are just living in the moment enojoying and having fun with friends or family. This article sums up a summer day with friends when you are enoying the day in the lake with friends and it suddenly starts pouring outside and you are running around in the mud, full of dirt, and dying of laughter. Bloom said "We soon made it into the dining hall...ready for some hot chocolate. We didn't care then. Looks didn't matter." but as times goes on and the years keep on passing by your looks suddenly do matter to society and how people start viewing you matters. And you suddenly start getting anxious or worried if you are ever going to be able to fit in and if other peoeple are going to approve your looks by determining how "pretty" you are. And those days where "looks didn't matter" aren't existing anymore. 

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