My Opinion on Those Four Letters | Teen Ink

My Opinion on Those Four Letters

March 7, 2019
By AnkTank SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
AnkTank SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The writing titled, "Those Four Letters" written by Georgina C., talks about having ADHD. Her writing left me feeling like I understood the condition a little better. The article talks about not living up to the stereotypes and expectations of someone with ADHD. Kids with the disorder have to work twice as hard as others. "Having ADHD is like walking up a downward escelator. You have to work twice as hard as everyone else and you look like a complete idiot in the proccess", states Georgina in the article. The author has worked hard over the years to overcome her disorderand now she helps other kids like her. "I would not let myself fail. I was smart. I was different. I analyzed the concept of "focus" and forced it onto myself",she states. The article is well written and opens my eyes to what it takes to overcome an attention disorder.

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