Benefits of Attending Summer Camp | Teen Ink

Benefits of Attending Summer Camp

March 5, 2019
By 123456789luke BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
123456789luke BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I have never been to an overnight summer camp, but I have always wanted to go to one.  I’ve read books and watched movies about summer camps, and I always think it looks like fun and is something I would like to do. In the article, “Benefits of Attending Summer Camp”, the author Christina Besecker says, “It changed me for the better and taught me skills to make a positive difference in the world.” Most of the day camps I go to are sports related so I am not really making a huge difference in the world.

This article makes me want to go to a one or two week summer camp.  I would like to go to a camp where I could spend time in the wilderness that had survival activities and outdoor programs. This would better myself and it could possibly help prepare me to become a park ranger because I’ve always wanted to do that. Once I become a park ranger, then I could teach people the same skills I learned. I think a summer camp like this could help me.

I can relate to the author’s experiences when she says, “Before this program I was extremely shy; camp helped me come out of my shell and be who I truly am.” I would be the same at an outdoor camp, because I would be learning about something I am very interested in and that I love to do.

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