But... She's a Girl | Teen Ink

But... She's a Girl

March 5, 2019
By kokuley BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
kokuley BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The writing, “But… She’s a Girl” written by Jack Ovalcin, talks about an experience she had when playing on a boys basketball team as a girl. This article is very surprising for me because, hearing about a girl playing on a boys basketball team isn’t something you hear very often. I can relate to this article because as a basketball player, the guys are usually the ones that are better at the game of basketball as she wrote, “I did not expect the pace and level of physical intensity to differ that much from female basketball.” But, it really is sad that when girls are seen on a boys basketball team, they get glares from the crowd. They even get treated unfairly on their own team as Ovalcin writes, “I realized the guys on my team were not passing me the ball, even though I was clearly open and ready for a drive. The other team would not pass it to the guy I was guarding, either. They thought that because I was a girl, I couldn’t make the shot as well as a guy could, or the chances of me being a good player were lower.” I think that any girl could be just as good as a guy at the game of basketball if a they really worked at it.  

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