Benefits of Attending Summer Camp | Teen Ink

Benefits of Attending Summer Camp

February 22, 2019
By cmccallister2022 SILVER, Definance, Ohio
cmccallister2022 SILVER, Definance, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The writing titled Benefits of Attending Summer Camp, written by Christina B, talks about Benefits of summer camp. Her writing left me wondering. I agree that attending summer camp is a good thing for kids to do. I used to go to a summer camp and I always had a great time. I think it teaches you skills just like it says in the text “Changes for the better and taught me to make a positive difference in the world.” I think the article is written very well. The arguments are very strong, also says in the text “teaches how to be patient.” I wasn't confused with anything in this article, it was written very well and explains their review very well too.

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