Those Four Letters | Teen Ink

Those Four Letters

February 22, 2019
By Asher3204 SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
Asher3204 SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Georgina C's "Those Four Letters" that talks about ADHD, leaves me both sympathetic and understanding of the situation that the author talks about. Having ADHD myself, I can confidently say that having this particular disorder is an immense mental war, and it feels like the disorder is majorly winning. Like the author put it, "having ADHD is like walking up a downward escalator." Yet I always wonder when it becomes a disorder, is it the constant flow of thought patterns? Or maybe when someone notices that we can't sit still, so they prescribe a medicine and send you on your way. It's like the author said, "you can only have so many quirks before you become a Zooey Dischannel-type..." I am understanding because I know how it feels to have this disorder, and I am sympathetic because I know how heartbreaking this disorder can be.

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