Sweetener by Anastasi Agofonov | Teen Ink

Sweetener by Anastasi Agofonov

January 24, 2019
By Anonymous

I foung Anastasi Agafonov's article "Sweetener" extremely moving. She explains Ariana Grande's life through her songs. She explains how Ariana expresses her feelings or her life situations when she writes her music. Her music helps out many people who are going through some tough situations. Her songs are about heartbreaks or how to get through the tough life situations. For example Anastasi said "Ariana Grande's songs empower people on a daily baisis." I totally agree with this; her songs bring hope to the ones who listen, and let you know that you aren't alone and everything happens for a reason. Dont lose hope because everything will be okay. Thank You Anastasi for putting this out there for young people to be aware that music can be helpful. This can encourage young kids to not give up and keep their head up even through tough times. 

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