Grandma Said the F-Word | Teen Ink

Grandma Said the F-Word

November 26, 2018
By reileylicious BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
reileylicious BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The writing titled “Grandma Said the F-Word,” written by Molly G. talks about stereotypes and individuality. Her writing left me feeling a little upset with the society we live in. I believe that society has a very vivid picture of what both genders should act/be like. Molly says, “Society equated the two and told children who to become, what colors to wear, which toys to play with,” and what’s sad about that is that everything is true. She also stated, “Society assumed that all people of the same sex naturally had the same identity,” which led me to wonder, why? Why did society create such an unoriginal set of rules for children to follow? I think it’s a bit strange that in the feminine stereotype for children: “Girls should only play with Barbies.” Honestly, in my opinion there is nothing fun about Barbies. They’re just little pieces of plastic that all look the same. There’s not much of a diverse selection for “fun” in the stereotypes society tries to have the children live up to. Maybe if society was a little more diverse our world wouldn’t be so judgmental, cruel, and hateful. All in all, I agree with Molly and her mother because they know how to be their own person and that’s not something you find every day.

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