Feedback on The American Spirit as Shown Through the Perspective of a Thirteen-Year-Old Without a Knack for Tennis | Teen Ink

Feedback on The American Spirit as Shown Through the Perspective of a Thirteen-Year-Old Without a Knack for Tennis

November 2, 2018
By Aaron2005 SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
Aaron2005 SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The genius “point of view” story known as The American Spirit as Shown Through the Perspective of a Thirteen-Year-Old Without a Knack for Tennis by Katherine Wright is a wonderful  piece of writing because, not only does it carry an important message, but it also puts in personal experience to make the tale feel realistic. The story is about a 13-year-old girl who gets insulted by her tennis partner for being so terrible at tennis. In retrospect, the narrator laughs at this situation and begins to explain how we over analyze quotes from famous people to use it against them. The themes of this piece are so true that I just had to share this piece with others.

“People often scrutinize every action of celebrities. One sentence they say in a televised interview can be replayed and over-analyzed by millions. They can be shamed for offensive content, even if their tone was playful with good comedic intentions” Karen says. This quote perfectly describes the society of today and is exactly what  makes this piece so good. In addition, I have also been teased for my terrible tennis skills and I always laughed back at their insults. Each word of this piece is clearly thought out and is chosen for a reason.

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