Personal Rewards | Teen Ink

Personal Rewards

February 14, 2011
By Kyle Meeken BRONZE, Marshfield, Massachusetts
Kyle Meeken BRONZE, Marshfield, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Participating in sports can bring personal rewards, but it can also bring professional rewards as well. For example, Ray Allen of the Boston Celtics recently broke the three-point record. It was not just luck however. The television show, Sports Science, proved that Ray Allen has the exact degree at which a shot should be made. He proved them right. While I am sure that Ray valued the record that he broke immensely, there is something he cares about more personally. That would be Walker Allen, Ray's young son. Walker has been diagnosed with Type I Diabetes and ever since that moment, Ray has had to deal with many distractions. Many players would not be able to handle that.

Professional sports figures can be very generous with their money. Many are also generous with their time. This is the case of Ray Allen. He has paid for and ran fundraisers for Diabetes to help fund money for a cure and to raise awareness of the disease and its dangers. Ray still goes out every night on the parquet floor of the Garden and plays like the Hall of Famer that he will be. His 2,561 three-pointers has passed those of Reggie Miller, a Hall of Fame guard.

My favorite team, the Boston Celtics, are a great team on and off the court. On the court, you rarely see this team lose their tempers or get technical fouls. They just go out there and do what they are supposed to do, play the game. They are a terrific example for children and teens who want to play the game. Between the food drives for the homeless or just hanging out with sick kids to make them feel good, they are very inspirational. It is very admirable in this bad economic time that these gifted athletes care about others so much and show it day in and day out.

The author's comments:
I am a seventh grade student and I hope that people will see that what is inside is just as important as the outside the world first sees.


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