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Top voted Environment Articles

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#1301voted by our readers
Raleigh, North Carolina

Nuclear energy is an efficient way to reduce the amount of CO2 in the environment. Nuclear energy saves of 2.5 billion tonnes of CO2 if that same amount of energy was made from bur...
Aerolin PLATINUM, Raleigh, North Carolina
34 articles 19 photos 133 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Fear is only in the mind"

#1302 Hot Topics
By Anonymous
#1303 Hot Topics
By Anonymous
#1304 Hot Topics
#1305 Hot Topics
By Anonymous
#1306 Hot Topics
#1307 Hot Topics
By Larkbird GOLD
Pagosa Springs, Colorado
Larkbird GOLD, Pagosa Springs, Colorado
17 articles 1 photo 18 comments

Favorite Quote:
There is no point in working towards something that you do not want.

#1308 Hot Topics
By Anonymous
#1309 Hot Topics
Brookies MAG
By Anonymous
#1310 Hot Topics
By Anonymous