Help the earth! | Teen Ink

Help the earth!

June 8, 2009
By girlsrock101 BRONZE, Peoria, Arizona
girlsrock101 BRONZE, Peoria, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Do you ever wonder how the world can be effected by the smallest jobs? A lot of people think i'm just one person. I can't change how the Earth's people are going green!I say your wrong! You do have the choice to make a difference. Start today by doing somple jobs. Let your friends know that they can help you, too!

*Pick up 1 piece of trash a day
*Reuse any materials that you can
*Cut your shower short 2 minutes each day
*Turn off your lights when you do not need them
*Talk to your parents about biking and walking to more places instead if driving

Even the smallest deeds can help the earth!

The author's comments:
When the economy is especially bad and the earth needs a change, you can help. This does not mean skipping out on your special activities and picking up trash all day, it means doing little deeds. Help out the earth !

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