Animals Deserve Better | Teen Ink

Animals Deserve Better

August 24, 2018
By Katy041701 SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
Katy041701 SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
8 articles 2 photos 0 comments

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Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results.

Do you think it's okay to hurt an animal? I don’t. Animals should be treated with love and respect. Given they were here before humans were. I believe people should treat animals the same way they treat kids or other humans. For example, most people wouldn't starve their kids, but significant amount of people would starve or torture an animal. I think that happens because it isn't enforced like it should be. A man who hurts a child gets years in jail while a man who abused an animal gets a couple days, sometimes not even that. I believe this because animals do have emotions and I have proof. I rescued my dog from a dog fighting ring and nightly for a couple months after she cries herself to sleep. But, no matter what she was through she is the sweetest girl. Many people fear her for her scars, but they don't know her like I do.


Animals are loyal creatures and will always be there for you when you need them (no matter the breed). They will protect you without you training them to be vicious. They will protect you out of love. So give them the love and protection that they give you. A great example of a breed misunderstood is the pit bull because people train them to be mean instead of training them to be themselves. People do this mostly to pit bulls which gives them a bad reputation. It's not fair to them, many people abandon animals on the side of the road and leave them to die.

There was a story on Facebook yesterday that mentioned a dog being abandoned, and stepping on a brutal coyote trap and had to have his leg removed, He would've died if the lady didn't find him. There're many stories like his but that's only because people don't get punished like they need to, so they don't care. I believe they should be punished the same as child abusers are, and if we get enough people to agree with this I think it can happen.

I believe animals deserve to respected. Imagine what the world would be like if we respected animals. Most people who are charged with domestic violence, often abused animals and got away with it, so they learned it was okay to abuse someone, But its not, no matter how mad you are at someone or something you should ever hit them. Often when dogs or animals get in trouble there owners hit them, but they don't have to punish them for doing something bad by hitting them, I learned just ignoring them for a couple hours will show them that your mad, and they won't do it again. But that will only work if you give them attention on a daily basis. If you don't and you hit them for doing something bad they will do it again for the attention whether it was good or not. In conclusion, animals don't want to be abused, so I believe if we try we can end domestic violence against animals and people.

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