Basketball Pride | Teen Ink

Basketball Pride

January 30, 2009
By SlowlySuffering SILVER, Cave Creek, Arizona
SlowlySuffering SILVER, Cave Creek, Arizona
7 articles 12 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is like a novel with the end ripped out. The edge of a canyon with only one way down"
-Rascal Flatts

Have you ever had a passion for working with little kids? Well every Saturday from three o'clock to four o'clock I volunteer at the special needs basketball practices. This is where we work with the kids on improving their strength and accuracy.

We encourage these kids to do their best and aim high. Often we will take the larger and older kids and get them going in a game. With the younger and littler kids we have them work on their speech while learning passing drills. Every time they make a basket or get a name right or even just do something amazing they are so proud and that just encourages them to no it again.

We are all there to have fun and make new friends. This program is also in correlation with the Best Buddies. Best Buddies is an after school program where kids with handicaps come to have a one to one friend ratio. This really helps the kids with their self of steam and their friendship skills.

We are all very passionate about what we do and we love helping these kids. Even thought they may have physical or mental disabilities, they are kids just looking for some fun and a friend. They are normal kids just like us and we should include them in everything that you and I do.

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