Score Keeping | Teen Ink

Score Keeping

March 10, 2015
By MariaV BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
MariaV BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Shoot the ball!”
 The crowd roared like a angry starving lion ready to devour the first piece of meat that came into view. There were coaches jumping up and down at every missed shot, refs running from baseline to baseline trying to keep up with the furiously fast basketball lovers, and athletes cheering from the bench hoping to win the game.


All of my summer Saturdays consisted of waking up at 7 in the morning, walking almost two long tiring miles in the fire like weather of Phoenix, Arizona. Then to what seemed like a never ending journey of sitting on a Flintstone chair. And all for what? Just to press buttons every time the ball went into the hoop. However, after six hours of pushing buttons the meal of the day finally came. Although, Taco Bell is not the best food to eat, at the moment it felt like a piece of heaven in one single bite (maybe it was simply the growling stomach that made it seem so delicious). Sadly, after an hour of break it was time to get back to the chair that gave me back pains all night long. The next six hours were even longer and tiring than the first six. Finally, once all the games were over it was time to head home and get some rest from the longest day of the week in my summer schedule.


Even though, keeping score for basketball games has officially gone to the top of the list of “How to get a Major Headache in Less Than Five Minutes,” it has been one of the most life changing things I have ever done. Aside from the drowsy mornings, the uncomfortable chairs, the angry crowd that almost eats you alive for starting the timer late on a suspenseful championship game, and all the other numerous amounts of cons that come with volunteering to keep score for club basketball, score keeping isn't so bad after all. Knowing that I am able to provide young teens and toddlers to play a sport that not only keeps them active and in shape but also that allows them to enjoy something they love or are beginning to love, brings pure happiness to my heart. Volunteering allowed me to see so many heart warming gestures happen right in front of my eyes like seeing the adorable three feet tall five year olds trying to shoot the basketball into what seems to them like a gigantic skyscraper. Or when two athletes from rival teams helped each other up after being shoved to the floor. Or when the head coaches told each other they had very hardworking players.This is why I wake up early on summer Saturdays.

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