How do I get started volunteering? | Teen Ink

How do I get started volunteering?

September 30, 2011
By Freedom.ThroughPens GOLD, Alpharetta, Georgia
Freedom.ThroughPens GOLD, Alpharetta, Georgia
17 articles 0 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” -Einstein

Want to start volunteering but aren’t sure how? GivingPoint is your answer.
GivingPoint is a Center for Learning, Leadership and Service for young people, ages 13 to 24. GivingPoint is a nationwide community-based youth development organization that inspires a passion for learning and service through cutting edge technology resources, virtual educational modules, and hands-on volunteer opportunities. GivingPoint was created to equip youth with an Internet platform that encourages collaboration, interaction and creativity through philanthropy. With a support network of peers, businesses, schools and nonprofits, we harness the passion and energy of young people to create stronger communities. Our unique “frequent giver” program allows students to earn points for learning about and engaging in their community. For every 500 points earned, students apply for micro-grants, up to $1000 per year, to fund their community projects.
Here’s how it works:
Students find their passion: We provide virtual education resources for students to learn about critical issues in society.
Students connect with organizations that match their interest: Based on their unique interests and geographic location, GivingPoint matches students with nonprofits and volunteer opportunities in their area.
GivingPoint fuels their passion: GivingPoint rewards students with points for completing their online giving profile, e-learning, building relationships with nonprofits, logging their volunteer hours (which are verified through our platform), posting projects, blogging about their experiences, thanking their donors and supports, and recruiting others to join GivingPoint.
Students become philanthropists: Students can apply for micro- grants from GivingPoint to fund their community projects, which are posted online. Students can pool resources from donors to help raise donations and awareness for their causes.
Students become leaders: GivingPoint records and compiles a student’s contributions to produce a Civic Transcript that can be viewed and downloaded. Several under-served students have leveraged their Civic Transcripts to receive college scholarships.
To date, we serve 3,800 youth, 250 nonprofits and over 100 individual donors, foundations and corporate sponsors. Students have earned enough points to donate more than $15,000 back to the community. They have raised $17,000 in online donations to fund projects.
We seek partnerships with organizations that share our mission to use innovative tools and meaningful educational experiences to engage students in social entrepreneurship, philanthropy and civic participation. Organizations can utilize our platform to track, reward and motivate their student volunteers. Together, our transparent website harnesses the strength of the individual, the power of technology and the benefits of a more connected, compassionate society.

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