Responsibility | Teen Ink

Responsibility MAG

October 18, 2023
By emilydong124 GOLD, Clarksville, Maryland
emilydong124 GOLD, Clarksville, Maryland
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To me, being responsible means taking care of our own actions, giving back to the community, and helping people in need. Thus, community life may be improved, and the world will be an even better place, which is the mission for each of us.

I believe that the best way for young people to develop a sense of responsibility is by working together. Last September, I attended “Harvest for the Hungry” with my mom. After returning, I thought it was an excellent opportunity to help underprivileged people during the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, I called my schoolmates to volunteer with me. A few were reluctant at first. Later, after they realized most of our schoolmates would participate, they finally joined us. Harvesting in the muddy cornfield was arduous work for us. We encouraged each other and pushed through. Tons of produce was harvested and delivered to local shelters, soup kitchens, and even to Louisiana areas impacted by Hurricane Ida. This is a great help for those in need and a valuable opportunity for us to grow our sense of responsibility.

Volunteering is the epitome of my responsibilities. I volunteer biweekly at a neighborhood food bank. When bagging produce, sorting donations, or interacting with recipients, I have discovered a sense of satisfaction when giving back. In addition, I devoted a lot of time to kids in need. Last Christmas was the most meaningful holiday for me. Our youth volunteer group completed an effort that involved making 80 no-sew blankets and 100 holiday cards and delivering them to quarantined hospitalized children. In my daily life, picking up trash in the community has become my habitual routine. Even through small acts, continuing to benefit neighborhoods and others will eventually ameliorate the world through each individual effort.

Life presents each of us with a variety of responsibilities. As individuals, we cannot take every responsibility we encounter. But I will always follow my heart and try my best to do things well once I accept the responsibility. I cannot agree more with Dr. Ben Carson’s saying in his book Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story, “Success is not determined by whether you face obstacles, but by your reaction to them.” In the midst of the pandemic, many people were too timid to reach out to others. Instead, they chose to avoid it. Inspired by the frontline workers, my friends and I baked cookies, cooked meals, and delivered them to homeless shelters and medical facilities. I knew the risks I had taken. The sense of responsibility to my community made me the brave and strong person that I am proud to be. HoCo Loving Hands Group, under my leadership, has accomplished considerable volunteering work throughout this challenging time.

We are entirely responsible for how our lives turn out. Real change derives through power in numbers, starting with individual responsibility.

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