I Don't Understand | Teen Ink

I Don't Understand

January 10, 2013
By Jenica Ellis BRONZE, Kokomo, Indiana
Jenica Ellis BRONZE, Kokomo, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sometimes I might cry but,it's not because I'm upset it's because I don't understand. I don't understand why. Why they call me names. Why I'm ugly. See I don't understand why. I don't understand why god would put an ugly child on this earth to get picked on and laughed at almost everyday. Leaving her to think everything people call her is true they call me ugly,stupid and a lot more. 8 and a half years later I believe it all. I don't understand any of this why would god put a child on this earth to get laughed at and called names. Now I say this to myself "Yes, I know I'm ugly. Yes I know I'm stupid but, why would anybody go and make my life worse." I know I'm ugly poor and stupid. All my family members say "oh there just jealous." Why would they be jealous of me I'm poor ugly I'm stupid. So what I'm saying is the next time you or somebody else even think about picking on someone or laughing at them. Think to yourself "Should I do this?" Hopefully you choose the right choice and stop and stick up for that person who gets laughed at and picked on. I'm not just talking about me I'm talking about everyone who gets picked on not just me. I don't understand why anyone would pick on anybody!

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