Laughs | Teen Ink


January 12, 2013
By Katherine Stinnett BRONZE, Lowell, Indiana
Katherine Stinnett BRONZE, Lowell, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Cruel laughs
Directed at my back
Up and up snide comments stack
Thinking that I'll look back
And give them satisfaction.

Cruel laughs
Directed at my face
Childhood gone without a trace
Thinking that I'll retaliate
And give them satisfaction.

Cruel laughs
Etched into my mind
Like a spirit-crushing bind
Thinking that I'll be reminded
And give them satisfaction.

I try to say, "I won't, I won't,"
But I always
Look back
Try to fight
And never forget
Cruel laughs
Directed at me.

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece for all the kids that are or have been bullied; to show those who haven't how it feels to feel like you're only there for others entertainment, not good enough for anything else. Even if you haven't been truly bullied, I think everyone can connect to that feeling of being a joke. But you know what? The best way to not give them satisfaction is to know they're wrong, you're meant for so much more than that, and just know how amazing you truly are.

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