Feedback on "Truth" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "Truth"

February 2, 2017
By KarateJoe SILVER, Brooklyn , New York
KarateJoe SILVER, Brooklyn , New York
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The first thing that went into my head when I saw Stacy H.’s poem “trust,” I asked myself, “Why doesn't’ this person use capital letters?” I might be an easygoing person, but this strange grimmer still caught my eye. Maybe it was for the better, since this poem hides some interesting ideas. She may just seem to be stating that trusting others can be dangerous. However, I believe that there are much deeper messages being portrayed.

The poem begins with two lines that are comprised of one word, “falls” and “quickly.” The short lines used in the stanza are used in a very unique way, especially when these are expanding on the title. Stacy goes on to tell us that trust is a very fragile thing and to “be aware of where you put it.” She concludes the poem with a subtle sentence, “some hands get dirty.”

While most people would take this as emo trash, I find it to be very informative and deep. The short statements used help give the term “trust” a new meaning. Not only should you be careful with who you trust, but the trust you share should not’ be too large or else that could be a problem too. This piece of poetry helped open my eyes more on the idea of trust.

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