Gun Laws | Teen Ink

Gun Laws

February 9, 2016
By TonyMontana BRONZE, Roanoke, Virginia
TonyMontana BRONZE, Roanoke, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

People seem to believe that everything bad that happens in America whether its shootings, suicides, accidental deaths are the doing of guns. That it’s the guns fault and that if we get rid of them, everything in the world will change and we’ll have peace or at least less violence. Well that’s not even close to the truth; the real truth is that a gun does not stand up aim and fire at someone alone. There is always a person behind it, and that person 99% of the time would have done that anyways if they had a gun, knife or just anything they could kill with. These people are criminals, they have a different mind from everyone else they don’t think like the average every day American who owns a weapon. When they decide to kill someone why should the gun be blamed the gun does not have control over itself.

The man/woman behind it is the one to blame every time. Maybe if the other person had a gun they could have saved themselves or another person from a human being like that, and to be honest if you can go out and take an innocent life, well then frankly you don’t deserve to live on this earth with the rest of us. As you have seen in the state of the union and many other times Obama and his democratical party seem to think that anyone who murders someone, it’s not their fault it’s the guns fault. My thinking of that is if more people owned guns and carried them there would be less problem, and not just going and buying one and saying I have a gun, being trained with it knowing what it is what it could do and how to use it. Then maybe instead of the masked gunman killing everyone that’s there, there is a man/woman who puts theirs to use and takes him down so there’s only one casualty of a bad guy instead of 15 casualties of innocent people.

I don’t want people to take this the wrong way. I’m not saying buy a gun to go out and kill someone. I’m just saying that all this gun control stuff that they are trying to put in place could be endangering good people even more than what they already are. Bad people have guns because they’re bad people they are going to get them no matter what, but now disarming good civilians that like to carry, and making it more of a hassle than people want to deal with. These criminals that are out here making the violence and death rates go up could be in jail because they’re legally not allowed to own a gun, or they have a fully auto weapon with no license. Obama could send these people to a minimum of 10 years in federal prison rite now as you read this but he doesn’t. Then he gets on national television and asks why this is happening and why the crime and death rates are so high when the answer is so simple and it’s so easy to do something about it, but he doesn’t he sits there and repeatedly blames the guns for all the crimes and tries to hinder our second amendment right for something that any educated gun owner would never do.


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