Cheerleading | Teen Ink


May 29, 2014
By Ashley Pedchenko BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
Ashley Pedchenko BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Should Cheerleading be a sport yes or no?

Cheer! Cheer! Cheer! A sport even though most people say it does not count or that it is not a sport. I have done cheerleading for 6 long years and when you go threw what cheerleaders go threw you will say its a sport. I remember the injuries and the yelling but all worth it for the win! Have you ever worked so hard and finally succeeded? That feeling is the feeling you get after a win in competition. Did you know that cheerleading has dance and gymnastics mixed together? Picture yourself in a gym or at a game cheering non stop. It can be a lot of fun then again it can be really hard.

If you happen to get on the team you must be on time. There are strict rules you must be at every game unless you talk to your coach telling them you can not attend. Another rule is you can not wear your uniform unless you are attending a game or a competition. You must be at every practice as well but again you must call the coach and let them know you will not be there. Earrings, rings anything that is jewlery is not allowed. Cheerleaders can not paint their nails unless its at practice.

Stretching is required before every practice. This is so cheerleaders do not pull a muscle during competition or practice. In cheerleading you do certain stretches such as arm stretches, leg stretches and run ½ a mile. Most people think you stretch to lose weight but in this case its so you are loose and do not pull a muscle. The arm stretches are for when you are in a stunt you have to lift the flyer up so the stretches help to boost your muscles. The leg stretches are for when you jump or during the tumbling part if you’re in it you won’t pull a muscle in your leg and it will be easier. Cheerleaders sometimes run ½ a mile this is more for if you practice outside. This does help you stay and shape and this also works out your legs.

More injuries happen during cheerleading than most sports. The most common injuries are to the arms, wrists, and ankles. There are head injuries to that is the most common. The most common way to get hurt is in a stunt such as if the flyer falls on you or if you drop the flyer. Cheerleaders can get injured in other ways too such as tumbling, running or even on their own. The worst injuries are broken bones or concussions. Studies have shown that cheerleading is one of the most dangerous sports.
Competitions! Competitions! Competitions! For Cheerleaders competition is the time where you can show all of your skills to not only judges but to an audience of sometimes thousands of people. I remember being a cheerleader and being in a competition all day from waking up at 5 and leaving at 6 to being there till 9 p.m. Its not the easiest thing sitting in a gym waiting for awards or your turn to go compete. Its also very hard being in the spotlight in front of hundreds of people. Cheerleaders often get hurt during competitions two. The one thing that everyone hated was that you couldn't eat unless you have already performed. Also its a lot of pressure knowing that if you mess up even once it could cost your team the win completely.

Most people think that cheerleading is not a sport. Most people say cheer is not a sport because you do not get scored but little do they know you do. Cheerleaders get scored at a competition or even by their coach. They also say its because cheerleaders do not have as many injuries as other sports but its proven that cheerleading is in the top 5 sports to have the most injuries. There is also more than one way to get injured. They also say cheer is not a sport because you don’t have enough practices like football players. We practice everyday just like football players. These are reasons why cheer is a sport

Now you can probably see that there is more to cheerleading than just walking around in school in your uniform or cheering on the football players. If you enjoy gymnastics or dance you should definitely try cheer its a great sport. If you have never had the experience of trying so hard at something and succeeding then you should think about cheerleading because knowing you have tried your hardest and never gave up thats the best kind of feeling. Will you be brave a try cheerleading?

The author's comments:
i love cheerleading its a sport

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