The Helps of Plastics | Teen Ink

The Helps of Plastics

December 13, 2022
By Tbone13 SILVER, Susssex, Wisconsin
Tbone13 SILVER, Susssex, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I wanted to tell you how much that plastic actually does impact certain things in your life which will probably help you in the long run. For example, it helps you with your kids with some of the little toys that they may have which will keep them entertained while you do work or whatever you're doing at that time. Plastics will probably help with your job with the plastic cups for a nice water break, thinking that you're working in an office building. Or maybe you made your dream come true and you're an NFL player? They use a lot of plastic with the helmets and the visors and even some of the cleats on the bottom of them have plastic so it helps you change direction quickly and run as fast as you can. I guess if I’m writing this to my future self, I don’t know what job I have but just knowing me I bet it's one that pays well and one that I actually enjoy. Or I just thought of another thing that maybe you're really successful in Track and Field and you're following your fathers sport dream except you're just doing better than him. Plastic helps you out in that for the indoor season with the indoor shot puts. Without those you probably wouldn’t be in the position that you are in and wouldn’t be as successful as you should be. I know you and me both know that plastic has also helped us become the people we are today or at least now because I’m 16 at the time I’m writing this and if I was sending this to my future self, I’m thinking around the age of 20 to 25 because that sounds about the ages when important stuff starts happening. Something in my mind is telling me that we won't use plastic a lot in the future compared to the time that I’m writing this which is in the year of 2022. Because right now I would think that we use plastic a lot and it is very common in our everyday lives. I think that I know plastic has helped me a lot when I needed to get surgery on my thumb because I broke it the first or second week of football while tackling someone. But anyways the plastic helped out with all the tools they probably used when they were working on my thumb and putting a screw in my bone to move it back to normal. Especially before they put me to sleep, I noticed the tools that they were setting up and some of the stuff that was just next to me. I didn’t know what it was, but it looked important. That's really all I have to say about plastic and what effects it has had on my life so far. There were so many other things I could have talked about that had something to do with plastic but these things that I talked about seemed like the main ones and they were also important to me.

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