August 7, 2019
By Anonymous

Don't you ever have that horrible thought that is telling you ''Oh what is he/she gonna think of me'' or ''I can't wear this I look fat.'' If you do, Forget about it. You have to Learn to love yourself and don't worry about what people are gonna think of you. Life is short, anything can happen to you anytime so act like there isn't no time left in the world and JUST DO IT. If you want to do something that you really wanted to do in a long time DO IT! Put Those Chips Down and get up and live your life. Worrying about something your whole life and not doing anything about isn't gonna help, It will just make things worst and make you more miserable about how you look. If you think about it we are all humans of course someone is going to have their own opinon on how you look IT JUST HOW LIFE GOES. If Theres someone in your life who just judges you on how you look or dress then they are probably dealing with some issues. Theres a 90% percent chance they are desprate. If they make you feel bad for yourself everyday then cut them out of your life. Be happy and live your life. ♡♡♡

The author's comments:

This is my first article hopefully you like it. Everyone needs self motitvation right?

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