Don’t cry | Teen Ink

Don’t cry

March 4, 2018
By Mea Jenkins GOLD, Raleigh, North Carolina
Mea Jenkins GOLD, Raleigh, North Carolina
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain. But you can't have a rainbow without a little rain.

My name is Bella Winston. I am jewish. One late November, just a few months shy of my ninth birthday. My mom and I were taken. Big scary men with firm expressions and scratchy voices came into my home and I never saw it again. This is my story.

Chapter 1 of 1
Bang. My eyes snapped open. I was laying on a cold stone floor. The air was thick with smoke and I could barely see. I heard faint screams in the distance. However this was not abnormal. I have been in the concentration camp for two months now. Everyday is worse than the last. Yesterday I was taken away from my mother Anna. When the guards came for us they killed my father and brother, and now my mother is all I have left. They made us all stand in a line and picked out the younger people. I do not know what happened to my mother but I need to find her. I slowly stood up shielding my eyes from the light streaming in through the hole on the wall. I could hear the cries of the other prisoners. Little girls that had also lost their mother’s. I stumbled outside held a wall for support. As I was scanning the field I noticed a gate had been left open. I peaked around and noticed the lack of guards. I knew if they were gone they would not be gone long. I ran for the gate. As soon as I cleared it, I saw a small path winding down a hill. I continued to run into I came across another gated area. Inside many women of my mother’s age hobbled around trying to keep warm. There were two guards standing at a gate towards the front of the area. I ran around the gate until I found a small hole in the bottom of it. I slowly slid through with ease. When I was in I searched frantically for my mother. So many faces, so many tears. Lost souls. As I scoured around I saw an armed guard coming my way. I quickly ducked behind a wall. For a second I thought he saw me. However he continued on his path like I wasn’t even there.

When he was far enough away, I left my hiding spot. I ran into a small building full of women. I searched through the faces until I saw a small figure lying in the corner. Covering the fragile body was a dirty baby blue silk wrap. It was mine. I knew the women must be my mother so I ran to her. She layed curled into a ball against the wall. When I got closer I realized she was weeping. I fell to her side and cradled her in my arms.

“Don’t cry momma. I’m okay, I’m here.” She didn’t move. She didn’t speak. I thought back to when another women in the camp suffered something my mother called trauma. The strange lady would not talk, eat, or sleep. She just cried. I stroked her hair and whispered that everything was going to be okay. She slowly stopped weeping. Soon she fell into a light slumber. I held her for hours. She slept for a very long time. When the sun went down three men came bursting into the room with guns. They were yelling and grabbing people. They walked right over to me and ripped my mother from my arms. She let out a weak cry and they dragged her from the room. I chased after them screaming for them to let her go. They drug her by her hair into a small house surrounded by guards. I saw them throw her into the house and slam the door shut. I banged on the door relentlessly. Screaming and crying. Begging for them to let her go. I could hear her screams on the other side of the door. They were hurting her. It felt like it went on for hours. Finally all the noise stopped. The door swung open and I jumped back. I cowered in the corner as several men left the porch. When they all emerged I slowly stood up and walked to the doorway. Lying on the floor was my mother. She was bloody and her clothes were torn. Tears still wet her pale face.

“Don’t cry momma. Don’t cry.” Her body was almost lifeless. Around daybreak she slowly lifted her head.

“Oh Bella, my beautiful daughter.” She embraced me like she had not seen me in years. Tears began streaming down her face.

“Don’t cry momma. I’m right here.” She lifted her face to meet mine. She held my face in her hands.

“Oh honey, You’re so strong.” I smiled at her. She smiled back at me. It was nice to see her smile. She stood up and pulled me along with her. She turned to the door while holding my hand. Seconds later my brother and father appeared! I ran to them and held them close to me.

“I thought they killed you.” They were wearing the same clothes as the last time I saw them. They looked exactly the same as they did that morning that felt so long ago.

“We have to get out of here, before someone finds us.” I started for the door but my father stopped me.

“Say goodbye Bella.” He started to cry.

“What do you mean?” I questioned him. Why would I say goodbye to anyone.

“It’s not your mother’s time to go.” Tears welled up in my eyes. Why would he make her stay here? We can all get out. My mother could fit through the hole. Suddenly my mother wrapped me in her arms.

“I’ll be with you soon baby.” I started crying. I don’t understand. Why does she want to stay?

“Why do have to stay?” I cried.

“Because I’m not dead yet.”

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