Travel Through Times | Teen Ink

Travel Through Times

November 28, 2017
By BreWithAnE SILVER, Rixeyville, VA, Virginia
BreWithAnE SILVER, Rixeyville, VA, Virginia
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My husband calls me from the bottom of the steps, breaking me from my trance. I was about to drop the third glass ball. I hear him clomp up the stairs in his work boots and before he could see what I was doing, I set the ball down on the box in front of me. That was when I realized that the glass ball was not in my hand but in shards on the floor. I start to panic and turn to see my husband, a random man that I’ve never met,  just as he reaches the last step. He’s handsome, with hair that was just messy enough to make him look good and a smell of cologne that still stuck to his body despite being sweaty. “Cora, what are you doing?” he asks.
“I-I’m sorry?” I stutter, confused.
“You’re never up here and you said you were going to be in the garden today. What changed your mind?”
  I was about to speak when I was interrupted by loud yelling coming from downstairs.
“NO! STOP! THAT’S. MY. TOY!”, a little girl screamed from downstairs.
“Also”, he said, “Can you help me with the kids downstairs? They’ve been fighting for ten minutes,” he said, sounding exasperated.
“Uh…...ok?” I answered, confused.
I walked downstairs, bracing for the unexpected. As I reach the bottom of the steps, I watch as a young boy rips a stuffed animal out of a young girl’s hands, making her cry.
“Lance!!!! GIVE. ME. BACK. MY. TOY!!!!!!!”, she screams.
“Honey!”, my husband shouts.
  Before I could answer, I find myself back in my attic again, standing back in the same spot I was before. Whatever just happened, I hope it doesn’t happen again.
I go to bed that night, but I couldn’t sleep. What had happened earlier in the day was keeping me awake and finally, after 5 long hours of tossing and turning, I get up and make my way back to the attic. I find the glass balls once more. I try to resist, but my curiosity overcame me. I pick up a ball and drop it on the attic floor, waiting for something to happen. I wait and I wait until I suddenly see this light at the end of the attic. I start to walk towards it, hoping it would lead me back in time. As I walk through the bright light, I start to feel this deep, aching pain, that overcomes my entire body. I start to hear loud beeps and my heartbeat in my ears. I feel heavy breathing over my face. My eyes flutter open. Standing over top of me is some sort of doctor, examining my eyes.
“Clarissa? How are you feeling?” he asks me.
“Where am I?” I ask.
“You’re in the hospital Clarissa. How do you feel? Do you remember anything?”
“Remember wha-” I stop mid-sentence. Oh God, the accident.
“Where’s James?” I say frantically, trying to get out of the hospital bed.
“Hold on Clarissa, relax, everything is going to be ok,” he says right before I fall unconscious.

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