Remember to Forget | Teen Ink

Remember to Forget

January 20, 2017
By emilyorazi BRONZE, Carbondale, Pennsylvania
emilyorazi BRONZE, Carbondale, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Remember to Forget

         It was late at night, the sun had just set and Asha was walking home from her friend’s house. The street lights above were flickering from what seemed to be due to lack of maintenance, her heels were clicking against the concrete, and there was a slight breeze blowing back her hair. She had rounded the corner, just a few blocks away from her house when she saw what seemed to be an old man walking toward her. She did not seem to think anything of it, being that she’s seen people walk about all the time. The old man was closing the distance between them, and she was feeling a knot in her stomach as he got closer. He was a few steps in front of her when she tried stepping out of the way, but he cut her off and stopped in front of her.


“Excuse me, Sir,” she politely said to him wanting to get home.


            He had not moved from his spot, he was just standing there, staring at her with his dull blue eyes. He was rather short in height for a man, and he looked like he had not slept in years. His glasses were on the brink of falling off his nose, and his back was hunched over making him seem shorter than he actually was.


            She felt uneasy and was not sure what to do. She tried step around him, but he only moved the same way she did.


“Please, Sir. It’s very chilly and I would like to get home,” she quietly pleaded not wanting to cause any problems.


            He had shifted his eyes between hers, like he was trying to intimidate her.


            “You seem very young to be walking about this late at night, Miss.” Asha’s eyes slightly widened due to the sound of him actually talking.


His voice sounded like he smoked three packs of cigarettes a day, and was surprisingly deep due to his frail and timid appearance.


            “I am a young woman who knows how to take care of herself, thank you very much. Now please, I want to go home. If you would be so kind as to move out of the way then, that would be appreciated.”


            “You’re being very rude, Miss. I only wish to talk to you about a proposition. Is that too much to ask?”


            Asha had just stared at him appalled at how he thinks she’s the one being rude when he would not move out of the way. She scoffed and crossed her arms in front of her chest getting rather irritated with the man in front of her


            “If anyone is being rude here it is you, Sir. I’ve been trying to get home but you won’t seem to move out of the way and you have the audacity to call me rude,” Asha had snapped at the old man, tired of the game he was playing. She was hoping that he would move out of her way after her outburst, but instead he just smirked, causing his yellow teeth to show. His smile only made Asha feel uncomfortable. What did he even mean by proposition? This was the question going through Asha’s head.


            “You’re perfect for my experiment, I can tell you don’t feel comfortable around me and that you don’t wish to speak with me. But, I would really consider taking time to hear what I have to offer. It could be very useful for you I am sure.” He had given her that yellow-toothed smile again before reaching into his pocket. Asha grew nervous, but kept a poker face to try and hide her discomfort. When he took out a vile that had red liquid in it, the liquid was almost the color of blood but more vibrant and less viscous. Just thinking about the liquid being blood made Asha feel nauseous.


            “You see Miss, this potion right here, if you drink it, will give you anything you wish for in the world. I am not lying to you, if that is what you might be thinking. I give you my word though it may seem little to you as I am a stranger,” the old man had explained to her. He was right about Asha not believing anything he is saying. How could she anyway? What he was speaking of was just nonsense she was sure of it. She does not know anything about the man in front of her. He could be trying to give her some type of drug for all she knew.


            “What is your name,” was the only thing Asha had replied with. The old man gave her another one of his cringe worthy smiles before answering.


            “My name is Dr. Charlie Bradford. Back in the day as you would say, I was a famous scientist, but I was framed by one of my co-workers, and everyone lost respect for me then. So I just started to conduct my experiments in secret and I eventually made my most extraordinary potion. It is this one right here that I am trying to offer to you now.”


            She was not sure what to think of the information she had just received.


Sure he looked like he could have been a scientist, with his faded black dress pants, stained white lab coat, and his cream colored button up. But she did not know if he could be trusted.


She had wondered why of all people, he asked her to try out his potion that he deems to be his greatest creation. She is just some random woman he happened to run into on the street.


“Why do you want me to try out your potion? There is nothing special about me that is worth trying on. You should try and find someone else to help you. I would like to go home now. Thank you for your time,” she quickly stepped around him, but he caught her by the arm, which caused her to gasp at his touch.


His hand felt dry and crackly like sand paper, and was rough against her skin. His eyes poured into hers like they were burning holes into her irises. His touch caused a chill to run up Asha’s spine, and her heart beat to pick up.


            The feeling of his arm on her skin caused old memories of Asha’s to resurface. The familiar touch brought back images she had been trying to suppress for the past three years. She started to panic, and ripped her arm out the doctors grasp. She looked at the doctor with fear in her eyes, and slowly backed away.


            “I am sorry for frightening you, Miss. If you wish to go depart home now you may. I apologize for taking up your time,” the doctor’s voice had softened from his raspy voice earlier that night.


            Asha could not find the will to respond. She was frozen in her spot, trying to calm down from her episode moments ago. All she wanted was to get these awful memories out of her head, and to finally be able to forget about that man she once called her first love. Her mind had a thought of its own when she had spoken the words to the doctor.


            “Please, make me forget. You say this potion will give me anything I could wish for did you not? Will it help get rid of these wretched thoughts?” Asha could see the doctors eyes glisten with excitement at her compliance to taking the potion.


            The doctor opened the cap to the vile and extended his arm toward Asha, encouraging her to take it. With shaky hands she reached for the potion and downed it all in one gulp. Her desperate attempt to drink as much as she could caused her to erupt into a coughing fit. Asha saw the doctor try to touch her back, but she moved so he could not touch her.


            “Are you alright, Miss? I never did get your name. Will you tell me?”


            She looked up at him hesitant to tell him her name. She felt that it could not hurt to tell him, since he helped her in a way she could not be thankful enough for.


            “My name is Asha, Asha Williams,” she had told him and a smile broke out on the man’s face.


            “Well Asha Williams, I hope the potion I have given you will give you your greatest desire. I have full faith that it will. It’s getting late; we should both head home before it gets too dark.”


            Asha was confused as to why he was so willingly letting her go home, when she wanted to when they first had an encounter. She stood up straight and nodded her head before answering the doctor.


            “You’re right, thank you for helping me Charlie. I cannot


 thank you enough for what you have done,” her voice was soft and sincere.


            “It’s my pleasure, Miss. Have a good night,” he turned and walked away leaving Asha standing there by herself.


            As soon as he left she felt a weird feeling wash over her, her head began to spin, and she felt like she was going to faint. She could faintly hear the doctor’s footsteps walking away, only to hear them come to a stop.


            “I forgot to mention something to you I’m afraid. I wish it didn’t have to be this way, but by you taking the potion there is a consequence you must face in order to obtain your greatest desire,” the doctor’s voice seemed to be as if he was miles away when he spoke.


            Asha grew confused at the consequence he mentioned. Her mind felt like it was disappearing and going blank.


            “What consequence are you talking about? I don’t understand,” her voice sounded strained.


            “You wished to forget so, that is what you will do. You will lose all conscience you have in your mind and you won’t be able to remember anything from the past or what happens in the future. I’m sorry I didn’t mention it earlier, Miss. I hope you can forgive me one day,” the doctor turned and just like that he disappeared leaving Asha to slowly lose her mind.


            Images of her past memories were playing before her eyes. She was slowly losing all the memories she had, before she was left with nothing, not even knowing her way back home.





The author's comments:

I would like people to enjoy reading this story, and try to figure out the ending. i hope as they read it they will want to know the ending and end up liking it.

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