Escape | Teen Ink


December 20, 2016
By Jadealyssa BRONZE, Palatine, Illinois
Jadealyssa BRONZE, Palatine, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Anders couldn't get to the bank until just before it closed, so of course the line was endless and he got stuck behind two women whose loud, stupid conversation put him in a murderous temper.
“Kyle is working now” said the lady with golden locks.
“That's awesome, so is Garrett! I still remember when they were both just little tykes playing ball!” The woman bent down to fix her shoe and accidentally flashed a glimpse of her “grand canon”. God, what a grotesque creature thought Anders. How could someone let themselves go like that? Trying to starve a giant like her would take years. Time drones by until finally Anders is first in line. He was originally there to deposit his unemployment check, but he suddenly had a change of heart and walked back into the parking lot where he sat and waited. Waited for his temptation to finally take over and feel relieved. The big one walked out first. Anders slowly slid down in his seat, protecting his identity, just until she was far enough to not hear him open the car door. Anders took a quick scan of the parking lot to see if anybody was around; empty. He grabbed the toxic washcloth from his glove compartment and slowly approached his victim. He grabbed her from behind and placed the cloth over her mouth and nose.
“Say a word and you'll be dead in seconds, fatty.” She kicked her feet and struggled until her body became limp. Anders searched for any witnesses; the coast was clear. He shimmied his way to the van and put her in the car through the back doors. Goldilocks had just emerged from the now empty bank. She saw something moving in the corner of her eye, to which she screamed. Anders whipped his head around to find the women standing in front of the bank with her hands covering her mouth. He slowly closed the car doors, never breaking his eye contact. She slowly grabbed her car keys from inside her purse and sprinted to her car.
“Please don't hurt me” she screamed. “I won't tell anybody I swear!” The women was just three parking spots away from finding shelter in her Jeep Wrangler until her heel snapped from her snake skinned pumps. “No! No! Please!” She sprint soon turned into a weak gallop- but she wasn't fast enough. Anders quickly ran behind her and scooped her into his arms. “No! Please stop, please” she began to sob uncontrollably. He pulled the same washcloth he used before and covered her mouth and nose-- knocking her out in a matter of 30 seconds. Anders heart was beating so fast you could practically see it through his striped shirt. He quickly but carefully stuffed her in the back next to the other women and locked the back doors.

Anders finally arrived home. His house looked as if it was plucked right out of a horror movie. It was an all wooden house with exactly two windows located in the front and back of the house. The gutters had long stringy plants growing from them along with leaves stuffed in the drains. He didn't really have to worry about the appearance of his house because he lived in the middle of nowhere… Literally. The closest neighborhood was more than 25 miles away from his lot. He pulled into his gravel driveway and turned the van off.
“Damnit! God damnit!” He began pounding his fist in the steering wheel in rage. He looked over at his small picture ornament hanging from his rear view mirror and pulled it closer to him. Soft whimpers began to echo through the car. Anders spun around looking through the caged divider between him and the trunk. He put the picture back on the mirror and walked back towards the truck, carrying the women into his house of horrors.

The sound of rattling shackles woke the blonde headed women. Her once soft curled golden hair was now tangled and dripping wet. She slowly pulled her arm closer to her but was restrained by the metal handcuffs attached to the brick wall behind her. She began to scan the room, looking for any clue as to where she was.
“Jen.” She turned her head and squinted at the figure beside her; trying to regain her dizzy vision.
“Holly, is that you?”
“Jen, my god where are we?” Jen shook her head, trying to move her dingy hair out of her eyes.
“I-I don't know. I was at the bank and when I was leaving I saw this man carrying you to his van and I tried to get away but he got me too.” Holly began to whimper softly.
“Jen, I don't want to die. It's not my time.”
“Stop, you're not going to die and neither am I.”
“Jen were trapped in the hell hole, how do you expect to escape?” Footsteps echoed from a distance.
“Oh god, he's coming! He's coming!” Holly said, tears rushing down her face.
“Just stay quiet.” A bright light appeared in the distance- blinding the women. Anders walked down the cement staircase with a silver tray of food in his hands.
“Well, good morning ladies.” Anders approached them slowly and sat on a metal stool in front of them. “Please, don't be frightened. I figured you girls must be starving, huh?” Anders lowered the tray and showed them the food. “Would you like one?”
“Sir, I won't tell anybody I swear to god. Just please let us go. I'm a mother and a wife and-”
“I'm afraid I cannot do that, Holly.”
“How do you know my name…” Holly said softly.
“Let's not worry about that right now my deer.” Anders looked over towards Jen and handed her a blueberry muffin with sugar sprinkled on top. “Go ahead, it's delicious.”
“People will be looking for me! You won't get away with this!” Anders jumped to his feet and slapped Holly across her face.
“Shut up! If you keep speaking to me like that I'll just kill you right now, how about that?” Holly laid her head on the cement floor, trying to cool her swollen cheek. “Now you” Anders yelled looking back at Jen, “Eat the muffin.” Jens eyes slowly looked down at the treat in front of her.
“How am I supposed to eat with my hands tied?” Anders moved the muffin closer to her.
“Bend down” demanded Anders. Jen hesitated and then kneeled forward; the tip of her nose inches away from the sweet smelling treat. “Eat it”  demanded Anders. Holly was still face first on the cold floor trying to soothe the swelling, then Jen carefully took the bite. “Atta girl.” Anders walked towards Holly and placed a bowl of water in front of her as if she was his K-9. “I'll be back down later, keep eating and drinking ladies.” Anders slowly walked up the staircase and locked the door behind him.
“We're trapped down here” murmured Holly. Still laying on the floor, Holly turned her head and faced her terrified friend. “What're we gonna do?”
“My god Hol, your face!”
“How bad is it?” Jen calmed her voice to prevent Holly from freaking out.
“It's just a little red, that's all.” Jen looked back down at the blueberry muffin. “Why would he give me this and not you?” Holly shook her head confused.
“I-I don't know.”

It was now day four at the house of horrors and the two women were still held captive in Anders “dungeon”.
“Rise and shine ladies!” Anders said descending down the staircase. Holly pried her eyes open as wide as she could.
“Can I please have something to eat” said Holly with a crack in her voice.
“I don't know, are you going to obey by my rules?” Anders voice grew deep and his eyes became dark. Holly nodded her head in agreement. “Very well, I suppose you can have a little something.” Anders tossed over a chocolate chip granola bar. Holly looked down displeased with what was given to her. “Do you not accept my food, Holly?” Holly looked up with a single tear rushing down her pale cheek and took a bite.
“Can I please use the bathroom” pleaded Jen.
“The bathroom?”
“I haven't gone in days and I'm feeling sick.” Anders heart began to rush, for he wasn't sure what to do.
“Fine, but we have to do a few things first.” Anders grabbed an old pillow cover that resembled the color and stench of urine. “Here.” Anders approached Jen and tied the cover around her eyes as a blindfold. Holly watched quietly trying to hold back her sobs. Anders reached into his pocket and grabbed a brown rusted key and detached his victim from the brick wall, her handcuffs still tight on her wrist behind her back. He helped Jen to her feet and whispered in her ear, “If you try anything and I mean anything, you'll regret you were ever born.” He lead Jen up the staircase and into the house. “Cmon, let's go.” Jen looked down and could see the hardwood floors through the bottom of the blind fold. The dirty, stretched up floors creaked as they made their way to the bathroom. He pulled her into the room and closed the door behind them. “Go” demanded Anders.
“I can't see what I'm doing, can you please take off the blindfold?” Anders voice grew deep.
“No, I'll sit you down and you can do the rest!”
“Sir, please. It's just you and me in here. I'll leave the handcuffs on just please let me see.” Anders paused for a moment then let out a sigh. He turned her around and untied the sheet.
“There, now hurry up before I change my mind.” Jen sat on the yellowish stained toilet and observed her surroundings.
“Is that your wife?” Jen asked.
“What?” Jen nodded her head towards the wooden picture frame nailed onto the wall beside the door. “Yes, that's her,” Anders said gawking at the photo.
“What's her name?”
“Why do you wanna know?”
“I'm just curious that's all.” Anders hesitated, then looked back at Jen.
“She's real pretty, where is she at?” Anders face turned burning red as he stared deep into his hostages eyes.
“St. Mary's cemetery; she's dead.”
“I'm sorry, I-” Anders quickly grabbed Jen by her arm.
“Alright let's go!” Jen suddenly became blinded from the sunlight shining through the window that was reflecting off of Anders silver keys hooked onto his jean belt loop.
“But wait I-”
“Now!” Screamed Anders. Jen slowly rose to her feet while Anders retired the pillowcase around her face.

Day eight and still no sign of freedom. Holly and Jens health was declining due Anders neglect. Their poor nutrition, lack of exercise and vitamin D made them weak. Anders visited the basement less frequently as the days went by, but when he did make an appearance it was always way worse than the last.
“Get up,” demanded Anders, standing above Holly. Holly sat against the cold brick wall and tried to shimmy her way up to her feet. “Faster!” Anders grabbed her shoulders and pulled her up. “Haven't eaten in days and you're still a pig.” Holly finally regained her balance; her head pounding as the blood rushed to her head. Anders tied the yellow pillowcase around her eyes and lead her into the back room. Holly had been back there a few times except for Jen. However, every time Holly would return she would be drugged, turning her memory to mush. An hour passes by and Holly is returned to the original room where Anders locks her back up to the shackles. Jen pretended to be asleep until Anders went back upstairs.
“Holly, wake up,” whispered Jen. “Holly, cmon wake up.” Jen tipped her water bowl over with her foot and watched the stream of water rush towards Hollys face. “Holly!” Jen said a little louder. Holly began to cough as she slowly raised her head. “Holly, what'd he do to you?”
“I-I don't know” Holly said struggling to open her eyes.
“What's back there?”
“In the room Holly, what's in the back room,”
“I don't know it's dark and it's hard to focus once he gives me the pills.”
“What pills?” Jen tried to scoot towards her friend.
“I'm not sure what they are but they make me go to sleep,” Holly said yawning.
“Okay listen,” Jen said calmly. “He comes down every night right before he goes to bed. When he gives you the pill, tongue it.”
“Why would I tongue it?”
“Because you're gonna need to look for what's in there, find some clues as to what he's going to do with us.” Hollys eyes started to flutter shut. “Holly, do you hear me?”
“Yes, don't swallow the pill.” Holly mumbled. Jen sat back against the brick wall and exhaled. “We need to get out of here.”

Jen woke up to the sobs of her friend.
“Cmon, get up!” Yelled Anders.
“Please, I don't want to go back there.” Holly looked towards Jen in pain while Jen was mouthing the words “tongue medicine”. Holly stumbled to her feet while Anders tied the pillowcase around her face.
“Let's go,” demanded Anders. Holly shivered as she walked along the cold, dirty cement floor. Anders sat Holly in the metal chair and strapped her hands down. Holly tried to hush her whimpers as she tried to peer through the blindfold. “Open,” Anders said. Holly hesitated then slowly opened her mouth. Anders pushed the pill down her throats to assure she swallows it- however, Holly managed to hide it under her tongue. A few minutes passed and Anders was sure Holly was asleep. He untied her blindfold and placed it on the table beside her. Holly slowly peeked through one of her eyes to finally see where she has been taken to the last few days. Holly scanned the room slowly; trying to stay still and quiet. She caught a glimpse of an off white pickup truck located in the far side of the chilling room. The paint was chipping and the driver side door was missing. Newspaper clippings scattered about the room, hiding the dingy walls. Holly carefully turned her head to the right and her heart stopped. Beside her was a silver tray of needles, scalpels, bottles of chloroform, wash cloths, and worst of all a .25 ACP Bauer Automatic-- a handgun.  A single tear streamed down Holly’s pale cheek and traveled down her chest. Anders began to circle Holly like a shark; as if she was his prey. He then stood in front of Holly and began to mumble something Holly couldn't quite understand. He reached for his scalpel and held it tight in his fist; examining its sharp edges. He held the weapon against Holly's throat and his arm began to shake in rage.
“AHH!” Yelled Anders, throwing the scalpel across the room. After the knife hit the glass window he fell to his knees. He then rose to his feet a few moments later and untied Holly from the chair-- leading her back to where Jen was. He locked the shackles around her wrist and marched straight upstairs.
“Holly, did you do it?” Asked Jen.
“Yes,” cried Holly. “He's- he's going to kill us Jen. I don't know how or when but he's going to kill us.” Jens heart sank as she watched her friend sob.
“What did you see, Holly?” Holly whipped her hair out of her face and began to sniffle.
“There was a car and a bunch of papers taped to the walls.”
“Did you see anything else?” Holly held her breath; trying to hold back her tears.
“There was this tray,” Holly quivered. “And it's…” Holly paused.
“It's what?” Jen asked nervously. Holly looked up at Jen and began to cry again.
“He has knives and needles filled with god knows what…” Holly hesitated. “He also has a gun.” Jen held her breath in fear.
“Look, Holly.” Jen said. “I'm not going to die, especially by the hands of this man and neither are you. Was there any doors, windows or something?” Holly jolted up.
“Yes, yes there's a window.” Jen looked down at her now red wrist and looked back at Holly.
“I have a plan.” Jen whispered; scooting closer to Holly. “He keeps the keys attached to his belt loop. I am going to tell him I have to use the bathroom, then when we're walking up the stairs I'm going to pretend to trip and fall onto him.”
“Jen, are you crazy?” Holly interrupted.
“I'll unhook the carabiner from his belt loop and toss you the keys.”
“No, you're insane.”
“Holly, we have to try. We can't be trapped in this hell any longer. Don't you miss Garrett? What about your husband? Don't you want to go home to them?”
“Of course I do I just-” Holly hesitated trying to catch her breath. “I just am afraid.” Jen stared at Holly's handcuffs, then looked back into her eyes.
“We can do this.” Holly slowly let out a sigh.
“Okay, what's the plan?”

Morning soon came and Anders went downstairs with his silver tray carrying two muffins and a cup of hot coffee.
“Wakey, wakey ladies,” Anders said setting the tray on the floor. “I've brought you both a delicious breakfast. Jen turned to Holly, then back at Anders.
“Is that coffee?” Asked Jen.
“Yes it is.”
“May I have a sip?” Anders picked up the hot mug and brought it towards Jens mouth. “Oh,” Jen began to cringe. “Do you perhaps have any sugar?” Anders rolled his eyes.
“You're kidding, right?”
“I'm sorry it's just-”
“Ok I don't care. I'll go get your damn sugar.”
“Wait!” Interrupted Jen. “Can I use the bathroom as well?”
“Jesus, you can't hold it?”
“I think I might have a woman issue or-”
“Fine!” Yelled Anders. He unlocked her shackles and led her upstairs, the coffee mug in his left hand. Jen quickly turned around and mouthed “be ready” to Holly. Jen and Anders were almost halfway up the stairs until Jen purposely tripped-- falling right into Anders’ hip. She quickly unhooked the keys.
“What the hell!” Yelled Anders. “Do you not know how to walk?” Jen clenched the keys in her hand.
“I'm sorry, I missed a step.” Jen then threw the keys backwards in Holly's direction. The noise of the keys hitting the cement floor echoed, causing Anders to turn around.
“What was that?” Asked Anders.
“It was just a cough.” Holly said. Anders squinted his eyes, then turned back around and proceeded up the staircase. Anders lead Jen to the same bathroom as usual and sat her on the seat.
“Now, hurry up.” Anders said crossing his arms as he leaned against the door. Jen looked out the window in front of her trying to figure out how she could escape.
“Can you not watch?” Jen asked.
“Nope. Go now or we can just go back downstairs.” Jens heart began to flutter nervously.
“I need you to take these handcuffs off really quick,” insisted Jen.
“Are you kidding?” Anders said. “I don't think so.”
“Sir, I need to, well you know and I don't think you're gonna wanna do it for me.” Anders took a step towards Jen and winced.
“Fine. But if you try anything-”
“I won't.” Anders hesitated, then unlocked the handcuffs. Their silence was interrupted with what sounded like metal pans hitting the floor.
“What the hell?” Anders yelled. He looked down at his belt loop and frantically began patting his jeans down in search for his keys. “Damnit!” He ran downstairs to find Holly’s shackles unlocked.
“Nows your chance,” whispered Jen, staring out the window.
“No!” Yelled Holly. Jen froze; confused if she should save herself or her friend. She ran downstairs to find the back room door open. Jen peered through the door then gasped. In front of her was Holly halfway through the window with a bullet hole the size of a almond in the back of her head. Anders turned towards Jen filled with rage.
“You're dead.” Jen sprinted up the stairs; Anders following behind her. “Come out come out wherever you are!” Yelled Anders. He slowly creeped down the hall trying to listen for footsteps or heavy breathing. He stopped in front of the coat closet and waited for a split second. As soon as he open the door, Jen threw the hot coffee into Anders eyes. “Ow!” Yelled Anders dropped his gun and began to cover his now blistering face. Jen dove to the ground to retrieve the handgun and shot her attacker in the leg. Anders fell to the floor; rolling around in pain. He finally pried his eyes open and watched Jen take a few steps back. Before he could say anything, Jen charged and kicked Anders in the head, knocking him out.

Anders woke up to his head pounding like a drum. His vision blurry; he looked down at his wrist tied down. In front of him stood Jen.
“What're you doing?” Anders said softly trying to catch his breath.
“Tell me why.”
“Why what?”
“Why you took us!” Jen yelled.
“Revenge,” Anders said with a smirk.
“For what? I don't even know you!” Anders looked up towards Jen, still smirking.
“2010 suicide,” Anders said never breaking eye contact.
“I had a son named Jason. He was top of his class; had a full ride to Indiana actually.” Anders threw his head back trying to refrain from crying. “He didn't have many friends. He didn't have a high school clique; he was all alone. He tried to branch out to new people on social media; Facebook, MySpace, twitter, you name it. However, his efforts to make friends failed and backfired.” Jen took a few steps away. “They called him names, beat him, threatened him, and for what? The satisfaction of bringing another human being down?” Anders voice grew softer. “He took the car out one night and drove right in the middle of the busy intersection; he killed himself.” Jen covered her mouth with her blood stained hands. “You want to take a guess who made him do it?” Anders said with a crack in his voice. Jen knew right away who it was, Holly's son.
“You're Mr. Smith,” whispered Jen. “I'm sorry about your son-”
“Shut up! I lost a son at the age of 18. What happened to the other guy? Nothing!”
“I understand you're in pain but you can't kill us because-”
“Jason deserves justice!” Anders yelled, spit flying out of his mouth. “And you know what? He got it. The boy's mother is dead.” Anders began to laugh. “Now, how about you untie these handcuffs and let me out? I won't do nothing to ya” Anders said calmly. Jens face turned fire red. She grabbed the washcloth from the silver tray and shoved it in Anders mouth.
“I don't think so.” Ander began to yell and stomp his feet; trying to free himself. The washcloth fell to the floor.
“Where are you going? You can't just leave me here!” Anders yelled. Jen turned around and gave him a smirk.
“Watch me.”

The author's comments:

Inspired by scary movies

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