Remember ?! | Teen Ink

Remember ?!

October 14, 2016
By Matijanay BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Matijanay BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Months after that crazy night, the boy now was still missing and still with this crazy lady that he oddly felt a connection with.
“Where am I ?” He sat in the middle of a black room with nothing but the weak chair he was sitting in. This was apparently his new home he’d assumed after waking up in this room for the millionth time, he began to cry. “poor baby, it’s alright this is your new home” She said but he barely got to live in the other “home” he had.
She’d been in his face all day asking him questions, “Are you ok ?”, “Do you need anything ?”,  “NO !” He’d answer back he knew she didn’t actually care, he knew she was just trying to be nice. She felt pain because he felt this way. She never wanted him to feel so uncomfortable, and not at home. “Please, just act like it. You’ll start to like it” she begged, other than trying to calm him down she had actually been trying to rekindle broken connections between the two, but he wasn’t for it. She thought he’d just recognize and jump with joy. He jumped for joy alright in fact he jumped for so much joy she had to “help” him calm down. “I just wanna go home to my mom” he kicked and screamed, she found herself getting upset, he was only acting this way because of her. The more he did it the more she couldn't hold herself. Before she knew it she had exploded “Why don’t you remember !!!” She shook him repeatedly. “I want my mommy!” He continued to yell, the lady he thought he knew was far from his “mom”. For some reason she thought shaking him would help him conjure up a thought to realize, but it didn’t help him… and it didn't help her.
It happened again, this was why he didn’t remember, this was why she was so distant to reality, this was why she slowly lost her humanity with every lonely breathe she took. She’d done it again !! “Every time, I snap!” She yelled, she was so caught up in trying to make him remember she forgot to control herself, now the boy lay sleep from force...Again. She’d only wanted him to understand, but instead he just lay. He couldn’t understand why she was so caring but not caring, she’s crazy was the only thought going through his mind as she shook him and shook him. “ Not again !!” She cried. This was the billionth thing she lashed out on, she just couldn’t control it. It happened every time...
Hours had past and he finally awoke from his “nap”. That was something she hadn’t expected, most of the time when she had lashed out the victim stayed in a never ending sleep.
“Monster, Monster, Monster” the boy yelled remembering what she had just done. “No baby it was an accident I promise just please calm down, I don’t want it to happen again.” Monster was a word she’d heard often, in fact she heard it every time she had a moment of her’s, that was apparently the name she was given at birth.
Now, she sat trying to figure out what she was going to do with him she knew who he was or did she ? Was he just another false alarm ?  She knows what she had before the incident.. At least she wanted to believe that. She had been so into her thoughts she hadn’t realized that he was no where insight.
The boy had ran out and found his way into a room with a Tv and chairs. While she was running towards him she tripped upwards hitting her knee falling down. The boy continued to look for a phone finally spotting a street-like phone, he reached and dialled 9-1-1 before the phone was attemptedly pulled from his hand. She stood eyes like hell itself fighting for the phone. Slickly he pressed the last button and soon heard the hero to this nightmare. “Help, Help!” he yelled, just as he said that she hung the phone up and his sight went black….

The author's comments:

We had to write Micro-Fiction stories for school in our creative writing class. I wanted to write something that would make you become a bit uneasy.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 23 2016 at 10:39 am
0 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It tastes like a rose, but it's less thorny and it tastes worse." - Sade
"Love doesn't discriminate." - Hamilton Musical (Aaron Burr)
"A weirdo of the highest order." - Counting Thyme

You definitely did a good job of making the readers feel uneasy! It also gave me hope to know that the boy had managed to call 911 at the end.