The Manor | Teen Ink

The Manor

October 14, 2016
By Anonymous

Although the day was beautiful, Jake stood petrified in the middle of the street. “Jake, what are you doing”, said his little brother Kent as he was walking to school. Jake realized what he was doing and shook his head. He thought about his small country town and the gray abandoned manor near the school’s warehouse. He always felt a chill whenever he passed by the manor. As Jake was thinking about his life, he heard a noise. “Jake!” he turned left and right, but he did not see anything. He heard it three more times. “Jake! Jake! Jake!” He made a 180 and saw his childhood friend, Jane.
“Hey Jake, did you know that there is a rumor that good-man Joe entered the manor”. “What do you mean?” said Jake. Jane looked annoyed as she repeated herself. “You know what I mean Jake, some kids say that they saw good-man Joe entering the mansion behind the school. They say he was carrying a moist, wet and red looking box.” “That can’t be true’ said Jake. “Good-man Joe is… well… a good man. He has never done anything wrong in the town. He always help in the community. He’s kindhearted as a dog who is loyal to its owner.” Jake and Jane kept on talking about the topic for the whole day. As soon as school ended, Kent suggested to go to the manor. Jane also agreed with Kent, but Jake opposed the idea. Jane begged Jake to come because she did not want to stay alone with Kent. In the end, he has been peer pressured into going.
Once they entered the manor, they decided to divide individually. In excitement, each of them ran and speeded away like little c***roaches in an insanitary apartment. While the others were in separate rooms, Kent saw a little dim of light in a distance. He wanted to be the first to know the secrets of the manor. When he finally reached the light, he let out a powerful shriek of a thousand mice.  Jake and Jane ran toward the scream and found Kent’s dead body. The abdomen was ripped open and blood spilling out. Jane ran in fear while Jake stood there and couldn’t believe what he has seen. His own brother, dead on the floor. He was in shock, furious and wanted answers.
In search for answers, he checked the manor twice, and on the second time, he saw the mutilated body of his classmate Jane. Some of her body parts were hanging on the walls and ceilings. He was now scared and worried. He hasn’t seen the exit, and he knows that he is alone with the killer. Out of nowhere, he sees the silhouette of the killer creeping around the manor. In a panic, he searched around the manor in hopes to find the exit. When out of nowhere, he felt the cool breeze of outside. He has found an open window, and without hesitation, he ran as fast as he could. He jumps toward the window with a mighty force. He broke through, but he has suffered a major wound on his leg. He thought to himself, “This cut was not caused by the window”.
He immediately went to the police station and started the search. They found his classmates’ bodies, but the killer was nowhere in sight. He suggested good-man Joe’s house, but again there was no evidence. It was not only till 12 years later that they caught the killer. The killer “was” good-man Joe. He admitted to the crime on his death bed. The only thing he said was, “They shouldn’t have entered that house”.

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