room 700 | Teen Ink

room 700

May 24, 2016
By jaeonthebestaround BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
jaeonthebestaround BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As i walk to the window and take a look down choosing my faith. Will this garbage save me.
I don't know I don't bother questioning it any further i make my choice. But before i tell you that let's start from the beginning were life just seemed perfect.
“Mom just tell me” i said
“i can't sweety it's not time for you to hear it “ she replied in a really soft
voice “ you're just like the rest” i say to her. I berg up to my room and lock the door behind me. ‘Look at this mess” i thought as i looked at the dirt clothes and work on my bed. RRRINNNGGGG!. I picked the phone.
“Hey rose, i found some more paperwork plan cr-” said jaeon
“ugh Jaeon just forget it, it's useless My mom doesn't even care about it anymore”. I say to Jaeon “the best thing to do is to just forget my past ,and……….. Move on”.

The next weekend my mom calls me down to have the Talk.
“what is it mo-”
“listen i know i haven't been saying a lot about the situation it's just you're not rea-”
“when will i ever be! “ i said loudly.
“Listen sweetie you've put me in so many bad moods lately you should let me relax i love you from the bottom of my heart, but you just can't know what lies in or roots i don't want you to be but though the struggle”. stare at her dumbfounded no words, no answers. But i'm not going in to give up knowing there something out there i'm ready to go on an adventure.

Later that night i sneak into my mom office, and hack her computer i clicked on the doc that said court papers i quickly get on the floor because i  heard a noise coming down stairs. “My bags are down there by the door,Danggit” i thought. I rabidly run into the baby's room. I didn't tell you that i had a baby brother, but let's not get into that. So quickly ran to the crib and  shook it to wake him up. P.S i'm not that mean i only did it for my sake. Waaaahhhaaa!  as the baby cried. My mom ran up the stairs by that time i'm already in the other room making my way down the stairs. I grabbed my bags and walked out the door starting a dangerous journey on my way. I caught a uber to the place i need to be the total amount came up to $70.45. I get out the car and start walking down the road i can see it up the road but i’m not even close to it yet.

I arrive at the hospital the walls are busted out, and boarded. I feel a cold breeze rush my ankles and shoulders. I walk toward the door. It was open the door entrance, and it seems like it was meant to be open it wasn't  boarded up or anything. I notice the stairs ‘ i gotta go to  floor three” i thought i continue to walk toward and up the stairs. I felt a touch come onto me like something was trying to pull me back or something. I speed up my pace and slowly get out my flashlight. I noticed what i was doing i haven't turned around yet but i feel it close”rrooaarr” the monster shouted.
I quickly begin to run as fast as i could up the stairs once i got to floor three i close the door behind me and but a piece of  broken wood between the door hendges. I arrive at the room but i hear no spirits saying anything i felt alone and that was the last feeling i want to feel. I put my book bag on the floor, I exit the room to see if i can find any other spiritual sightings or sounds i could talk to. I'm starting to feel the same vibe i did last time when that monster was following me but now it's even stronger. I turn around this time, and i witness something i would only have thought of in a scary story. It was dark and tall and walking towards me i started to walk back slowly unaware of my back view i  was stunned at what i'm seeing. I begin to sprint into the room  710. I ran under the bed i stay as silent as possibly with my hand over my mouth. I was frightened the thing enters the room i see its feet coming around the corners of the bed i silently slide out the others side towards the door and make a run for it. It saw me dang it! I only have two choices either go left and jump out the window or right to go down the stairs. I run to the window choosing my faith will this garbage save me. I Don't know i don't bother questioning it any further i make my choice.

I jump.

I felt my bones break

With the rhythm of heart shattered

I found nothing nothing at all

All but pain and

Disappointment. I hit the

Ground BANG! I can't

See anything i can only hear the

The sounds of cops arriving

At that moment i blanked out.

I wake up unbothered in a hospital bed. My mom is nowhere to be found. I quickly hoop up to look around. AWWW!  I Throw Myself back onto the bed not aware of the casket on my leg. “How long have i been here” i ask myself. My mom
enters the room”honey don't you ever pull something like that again you almost killed yourself” she says laying on the side of the bed. “Huh the truth is your dad was a businessman he would work alot so he didn't have time to be around the house. He worked as a tour guide for college students looking to join the chemical force in fight viruses and on day it went all wrong for him. He was putting on a hazard suit and it happen to have a hole so he breathed in the wrong air and caught  zika disease . He was in a hospital for weeks and then he end up dying slowly and painfully”.
I sat back to listen what she had to say that's all i wanted to know that's was the whole purpose i close my eyes and slept.

The author's comments:

What inspired me to write this i woukld have to say myself becuase ever since i was a kid i have always wanted to right kid triller books you dojtn see alot of articals like that 

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