the blindman II | Teen Ink

the blindman II

May 19, 2016
By Starsgodim BRONZE, Glenpool, Oklahoma
Starsgodim BRONZE, Glenpool, Oklahoma
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One day in 2014, Don Rahl heard a scream in the warehouse. He instantly grabbed his costume and transported from his costume special power to the warehouse. When he got there he saw his sworn enemy Jackman. “You finally decided to show up?” Jackman said in a low gruff voice. ”Well yeah!” Blindman exclaimed.
“Well then I guess I’ll have to kill you instead!” then he shot a fireball and it missed him by an inch. So Blindman shot ice all around Jackman then barely shot him with the lasers from his eyes. Just then the cops showed up and found the injured villain on the floor.
“Class I will see you tomorrow you're dismissed.”  The class poured out of the classroom to get to there next class. “Hey Mr. Rahl!” said Tom “I saw you on the news last night in the background.”
“Well I was there but, thats none of your business.”
‘Okay’ thought Tom in his head.
The next night Mr. Rahl was working late and he heard something in the cafeteria. So he went in there and found the trash can tipped over. So he looked behind the trash can and he saw Tom there. “ WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE!”
“I don’t know” said Tom
“I’m sorry what?”
“I don’t know.”
“ Let me ask that again,what are you doing?”
“ Oh fine I was spying on you.”
“ Well why?”
“Cause it’s about the thing I saw on the news.”
“ I told you don’t worry about.”
A few hours later he heard something again but closer “TOM!!!” but when he got there  it wasn’t Tom so he went to it and found Tom bleeding on the floor then he heard ”Your next!!”
The next hour or two went by really slowly in his classroom thinking ‘what happened?’ Then the air turned on and something rattled around in the AC unit. He started for his costume but right then he saw something out of the corner of his eye. Just then this ghostly figure popped out of the wall and headed straight for him. He dodged just in time and lunged for his suit. He got it but not in time the ghost came up and threw it across the room. He tried to get it again but this time it worked. He put on the suit just in time and transported behind him and froze him to the floor and called the police. When the police got there they handcuffed him and Blindman came up to him and asked ”who are you “ he didn’t reply so he tried again “Who ar-”
“I am the great and powerful Houdini!”
“why are you trying to kill my students?”
“cause you are getting all my villains in jail.”
“ Oh so you’re like their master?”
so after that he went to jail and Blindman kept fighting crime and lived a happy life.
The End

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