Untitled | Teen Ink


March 8, 2016
By skylarbrooks16 BRONZE, Sugar Hill, Georgia
skylarbrooks16 BRONZE, Sugar Hill, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.

Every night I hear it. It mocks me. It hates me. It wants me. Every night the music plays, when I go outside in the morning there’s nothing. My wife thinks I’m going insane. I’m not I swear I hear it. I just got out of the mental hospital my wife put me in. Tonight I will see what it is, and I don’t care if I have to wait till I die to see it, because I will see it. I will find out what it is, and I will stop it.
I wait till I hear the noise at night. I know not to look out my window. When I do it’s not there, it’s in the distance. About a mile away from my house. I wait. I hear it. I don’t hear it clearly, it’s faded. I run out the backdoor through my backyard into the woods. Then I see it. It’s a circus. There’s clowns, magicians, lions. Everything. I walk around, there’s children and parents. I try talking to them, but they don’t hear me. Don’t see me.
I hide behind a tree till sunrise. Then I watch it disappear. It just vanishes. The children, parents, clowns, lions. Everything is gone. I run back to my wife and tell her. She looks at me as if I have gotten crazier. She goes into another room and crys. I hear her. Then she’s on the phone. I leave so I can’t hear her. I don’t want to. The next day she says we are going for ice cream. She has me sit in the back seat, and she cries as she drives. She drops me off at the mental institution. I’m not crazy. It’s real. I saw it with my own two eyes. I don’t deserve this.

The author's comments:

I don't know. My brain just moved to my hands and I started writing.

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