Under Cover of Darkness | Teen Ink

Under Cover of Darkness

November 9, 2015
By lilacheart SILVER, Scranton, Pennsylvania
lilacheart SILVER, Scranton, Pennsylvania
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be yourself, don't take anything from anyone, and never let them take you alive. -Gerard Way

I live in a rural town in north eastern Pennsylvania. I just moved here a couple of months ago. It’s been hard adjusting, but I made a couple of friends, Gina and Ashley. I live on a huge piece of land that has a lot of woods behind it. I love taking walks through them. It’s where I would go to just get away from the world, and relax. Now when I think of them, it just brings back horrible memories that I only with that I would forget.
Ashely and Gina were over my house one night, and we had nothing better to do, so we decided to take a walk.
“Hey Abigail, what’s that?” asked Ashley.
I looked over to see a house. The paint was chipping off, and the roof looked like it was going to cave in at any moment.
“I don’t know. I’ve never seen that before.”
It’s really odd because I walk through here every day. How could I missed this?
“I dare you to go in, Abigail” Gina said.
“It doesn’t look too stable.” I said
“Come on, just take a peek”, said Ashley.
Something about this house gave me a really bad feeling, but I ignored it and started for the house. I didn’t want my friends to think that I was a coward. The stairs that lead to the porch creaked under my feet with every step. Once I got up to the door, I turned the knob, and I stepped inside.
The room was a lot colder than it was outside. I walked in to what was the kitchen. The appliances in the room looked like they were from the 1950’s. There were records scattered all over the place, and there was empty food containers, and wrappers all over the table. I was worried that someone was living here. I dashed out of the kitchen towards the front door. I grabbed the door knob, but it wouldn’t budge.
“Open the door, this isn’t funny”, I yelled.
There was a peep hole on the door and I looked out. My friends weren’t by the door, and there was nothing pressed up against the door. All of the windows had metal bars in them so I couldn’t get out through those. Despite my fear, I had to find something to break the door.

I with caution, I tiptoed up the stairs. After what seemed like thirty minutes, I made it up to the top. There was a large open room with one window. There was nothing in the room except for a tattered blue curtain. Then to the left of me I saw a door. Since there was nothing here to help me escape, I crept toward the door.
The door opened with a loud creak. I was immediately hit with a feeling of dread. My nose filled with a strong scent of iron. There was a circle of candles spread out all over the floor. I was frozen with fear. “Someone is in the house.” I whispered. There were words written in red all over the walls. I didn’t take the time to read it because I hurdled myself down the stair.
Once I got to the bottom I saw that the door was wide open. I stepped outside, and saw a trail of lit candles. I followed them all the way up to a boulder. Then I was met with a familiar sent of iron. The word “goodbye” was spelt out in red. I hear a loud slam. The flames of the candles went out. I looked over my shoulder and saw that the house vanished.

The author's comments:

There was a house like this that I used to visit with my friends. It was really creepy, and it looked like a haunted house. I thought it would be great to write a short story about it. 

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