When the Clock Struck in Wraneville | Teen Ink

When the Clock Struck in Wraneville

October 30, 2015
By crackback101 BRONZE, North Augusta, South Carolina
crackback101 BRONZE, North Augusta, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Her mouth gaped open, eyes went black, the skin on her face turned bright white. Eyes clenched tight together with tears slowly rolling down her face. when her eyes opened again the anguish was clear. brynn’s pale white bony knees dropped to the ground, lying near her mother's cold still body. Bony white fingers running through the damp dark brown hair of Julia Woods.She lay with bent posture, almost appearing cripple. slowly rocking back and forth created red marks against her ivory skin. the blank expression on the face of Julia was lifeless, dark circles remained under her eyes. Now an orphan, the pressure of the world was unleashing its wrath on brynn. She had become thinner, her skin tight against her visible frail bones, walking with no purpose, barely breathing simply because there was no point.

“Brynn! Brynn! We have to go! Let her go brynn, she is gone”, Rhett Taylor screamed running down the hall towards brynn. a dark figure chasing after them. Brynn was slowly walking in a circle around her mother's body.  She got back down on her knees despite the screams coming from Rhett. When Rhett finally reached her he had to pry brynn off her mother's corpse. Brynn lacked the will to live anymore, Rhett scooped her up in his arms and proceeded to run away out the doors of wraneville high.

“Brynnnnnn, honey wake up”...... through the black surroundings Brynn Woods could faintly see the crack of bright light coming from the top of wherever she may be. Puzzled and clueless brynn opens her eyes and slowly begins to sit up. “mom?” Brynn asked with a slurred raspy voice. “brynn! brynn”. bright lights shine through the windows of the small high school. The fellow students laughed at the slightly dazed girl. brynn woods quickly sat up straight in her chair and proceeded as nothing happened, despite the obvious red shade of her cheeks. her seventh period was the worst class of all, mainly because it was with rhett taylor. Rhett Taylor was Brynn's boyfriend before the accident. The accident is something no one in Wraneville talks about, even though it happened a year and a half ago it still is a sore subject. The accident changed the two, it changed everyone.

Screams filled the blue bedroom room, Brynn tossed and turned in her now soaked bed, the sweat pouring off her body. “help me please help me, mom help me, anyone. help me.” She exclaimed in her sleep. She had the same nightmare every night, the same situation, the same people, the same horror. It was engraved in her mind, constantly playing back every time she closed her eyes. Horror, pain, and misery were constant battles she faced throughout her daily life. She pushed everyone away, fear and panic could strike at any second. No one wanted to befriend the psychotic orphan.

The day was a warm october day, perfect weather, everyone was in the town square enjoying the fall festival. the town of wraneville was a small, tightly knit community of people. everyone knew everyone, everyone loved everyone. The perfect small town, in the perfect beautiful area. The crisp breeze blew the burnt orange leaves everywhere. The whole town's residence was at the festival. Why wouldn’t they be, no one knew the horrific events that were in store. As the day went on, the sun began to go down. As soon as the clock hit seven o'clock the town stood still. Everyone froze as they were. Everyone was completely aware of what was happening but no one could move. It was as if a hex was placed on everyone.
Out of the shadows two dark creatures slowly appeared, no one could make a sound. The two figures, tall and slender approached the large amount of people. You could not see their faces but you could see the sharp blades they each were holding. They just started picking people off, taking the knives against their throats like it was nothing. As if they weren't even people, they killed them off like it took no effort. The figures killed with no remorse.
  After the figures had taken half of the people's lives they went back into the shadows and disappeared. the clock hit seven thirty and the church bells rang releasing the remaining citizens from their paralytic state. Families destroyed, children orphaned, husbands and wives were left widowed. Everyone was in utter agony. In complete shock of the events had just occurred.
Brynn and Rhett were located near each other on a park bench, their lives were spared but as Rhett looked around he quickly realized his father did not make it. He fell to his knees crying. He looked up to his father and admired him more than anyone. Brynn tried to be a comfort until she looked over her shoulder and realized her younger brother had been a victim. Both brynn and rhett were traumatized,
“Attention everyone to the high school! everyone needs to run!” yelled someone, the mayor should have been the one making the announcement but he was killed. Rhett collected himself and collected Brynn and they ran to the school. The  doors were unlocked as they entered through the back. They were the first in since the park bench was close to the back entrance. As they made a right turn brynn gasped as she saw her dead mother lying on the ground near the freshman lockers. She had told Brynn she was going to the bathroom before it happened. The figures must have gotten her also. Brynn had a panic attack. But Rhett saw a figure slowly appearing behind them. He scooped her up in his arms and ran through the halls, barely escaping.
Brynn awoke in the hospital frightened and scared. Rhett was next to her, when she awoke he left. Never to speak to her again.  The figures were never seen again. Brynn was forced to relive every moment every time she closed her eyes.

The author's comments:

Forced to write a story, actually turned out okay. Could have been better but I was on a word limit. I am a teenage female that attends a wonderful highschool. I look forward to writing throughout the course of my year

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 11 2015 at 10:47 pm
Lilyw2015 BRONZE, Lantana, Texas
1 article 4 photos 4 comments
That was amazing